PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 44 of 94

Spinning a Narrative

February 08 2013

In the world, the term “spin” has a fairly negative connotation. We think of mega corporations or politicians trying to get out of trouble for something naughty they did or a TV station leaving out information because their owners have an interest in the story being squashed.… Read more

How to Make a Long Press Release Easier to Read

February 04 2013

In general, your press releases shouldn’t be very long. In most cases, you should be able to write an effective press release in just a few hundred words. However, special situations may exist that call for a longer press release.… Read more

Should You Use Google’s New Tool to Disavow Links to Old Press Releases?

January 30 2013

Not so long ago, search engine optimization was pretty easy. Basically a standard, moderately successful SEO strategy looked like this:… Read more

Are You Sending Everyone the Same Press Release?

January 29 2013

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You have a great story, so you write a press release. You then send that one press release out to everyone on your media list — local newspaper reporters, editors at national publications, bloggers, TV/radio people, etc.… Read more

The Dos and Don’ts of Linking in Press Releases

January 25 2013

Links in Press Releases

As you undoubtedly know, one of the major SEO benefits of online press release distribution is that you can build links back to your website. By thoughtfully embedding links in your press releases, you can drive traffic back to your website and help bolster your search engine ranki… Read more

8 Grammar Mistakes to Avoid in Press Release Writing

January 23 2013

If you look closely, you’ll see grammar mistakes everywhere. From Facebook to advertisements, it seems no place is safe from the torturing of the English language. And yes, it happens with press releases too, especially as we see more and more small businesses turning to releases as ways to market online … Read more

4 Ways You Can Be More Efficient At Social Networking

January 21 2013

Let’s face it – social networks can be a time suck. In fact, social media now accounts for 18% of all time spent online. With the average Facebook user spending about 7 hours each month on the site, the average tumblr and Pinterest users spending 1.5 hours each month on those sites respectively, the average T… Read more

Subject Line Mistakes to Avoid when Sending Emails

January 18 2013

Chances are that email is one of your most frequently used communication tools. You probably use it to send your press releases to reporters and to market to your customers and prospects.… Read more

How to Punctuate Quotes Correctly in Your Press Releases

January 17 2013

How to Punctuate Quotes in Your Press Releases

Let me begin by saying that I’m no grammar Nazi. However, the fact is that for many people, grammar and mechanics will make or break whether they put any stock into your writing. So if you want them to take you seriously, which you obviously do, you should understRead more

Why You’re Suffering from Writer’s Block

January 15 2013

Bukowski once said, “Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all,” so here I am today writing a post about writer’s block. Hey, if it’s good enough for Bukowski, it’s good enough for me.… Read more