PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 42 of 94

What Can You Do With That Press Release You Just Wrote?

April 25 2013

I know a guy who is a school teacher by day and a freelance writer at night. He does pretty well for himself and does a good job at keeping his two lives separate; however, every now and then someone from school finds his freelance site and starts asking questions. When that happens, he inevitably ends up getti… Read more

There are Times When It’s Okay to Turn Down a Media Interview Opportunity

April 24 2013

Many people believe that you should take advantage of every media interview you’re offered. They say that if there’s a chance to get your name out there, you do it.… Read more

5 Ways to Annoy the Crap Out of Reporters

April 23 2013

It stands to reason that if you want to get press for your company you shouldn’t piss off the people who can give it to you. Media relations is an incredibly important component of getting publicity, and unfortunately, it’s a component that a lot of people mishandle. Too many time, overly eager business peo… Read more

Hot Tips for Writing a Better Boilerplate

April 16 2013

Would you believe me if I said the boilerplate was one of the most important parts of your press release? Think about it – this is the chunk of text that gets used time and time again in every press release you send out. When you’re distributing press releases on a regular basis, that means your boilerplate is g… Read more

The “Nuclear Option” for Social Media Posts

April 15 2013

Have you heard of the “nuclear option?” It’s whatever option is available to you that you hope will blow up like crazy, but you want to save until a last resort. In other words, you have a tactic you know will work on a large scale, but may have other consequences; hence your hesitation to actually use it.… Read more

Running From Success

April 10 2013

Do you ever feel like success is running away from you? I know I occasionally feel like true success is just out of reach. This is usually a result of setting my goals way too high and not knowing what I want at the time. When I re-evaluate what I’m actually reaching for suddenly I realize just how well I’m really … Read more

Will Newspapers Always be a Part of PR?

April 09 2013

Generally, when people think of public relations, at some point a newspaper will flash in their mind. That’s because for most people two things are true: newspapers are a thing that exists, and written press releases – designed for print media – are a big way in which companies spread news regarding their r… Read more

So You Just Offended a Large Portion of Your Customer Base…

April 05 2013

Well, it finally happened. The dreaded day when you wake up and realize those 10,000 emails in your inbox means you’re going to have a very bad day…week…month. You or another member of your team posted something online or your company ran a commercial and now thousands of people are clamoring for your head. … Read more

Be Exciting! Be Dangerous! Just Don’t Be Boring

April 04 2013

A friend of mine is a movie aficionado, so much so that he started a movie review website. He’s one of those film buffs that can’t just tell you if a movie is “good” or “bad.” If you ask him, you better be prepared to sit down for a while and have a working idea of film theory.… Read more

How to Know if Your Event Warrants a Press Release

April 02 2013

Newsflash—the internet is flooded with crappy content. Among that crappy content are thousands, if not millions, of worthless press releases. You know the kind. You’ve probably read a few of them when you first started writing press releases and you scoured the web looking for examples. You know—the re… Read more