PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 41 of 95

Saving Face: A True Story

July 17 2013

speech_bubble_no_commentMany companies and PR pros go through it – suddenly you find yourself on the bad end of a negative campaign. Instead of making big bucks and becoming famous, you or your client is forced to quickly save face. Worse, it sort of feels like you’re in it by yourself.

But this isn’t true, and many have traveled this t… Read more

Using CRM Tools for Media Relations

July 09 2013

newspapers showing extra extra messageManaging relationships with the media is a big part of PR. You have to know which members of the media cover which topics, how you can contact various media members, when the last time you spoke to each person was, what you discussed during your last conversation, what kind of results you’ve gotten from your … Read more

Should You do an Interview with that Aggressive Reporter?

July 05 2013

Aggressive and annoyed faceIt’d be nice if all reporters were objective, but we know that’s not the case. We’re living in the era of opinion journalism. Between blogs and cable news talk shows, the evidence is all around us. It’s getting harder and harder to find objective journalism. Everywhere you look, it seems like aggressive re… Read more

7 Ways to Become a Better PR Pro

July 02 2013

Thumbs up!Whether you’re just getting your start in the business or you’ve been at this for years, there’s always room to improve your skills and become a better PR pro. Doing so will help you achieve better results for your clients and better results for your career.

But how exactly can one become a better PR pro? Over … Read more

5 Ways to Interact with Reporters on Facebook

July 01 2013

TabletFacebook is crawling with reporters, editors, bloggers, and other members of the media. These people often use Facebook as a way to find sources, generate story ideas, connect with the communities involved with stories, share their stories, and so on. In other words, Facebook is an important resource f… Read more

Breaking the Ice at Networking Events

June 27 2013

ice_gapNetworking events can be a great place to meet people who will help you grow your business, but for many people, these events can be very intimidating. There are lots of strong personalities that go to these events, and if you’re a little more reserved, going up and talking to someone you don’t know can be pre… Read more

Think Twice Before You Try Newsjacking A Tragedy

June 25 2013

Think_twice_signIn the past several months, America has been hit with multiple tragedies—the devastating Hurricane Sandy, the senseless Newtown shoot at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the terrorism at the Boston Marathon, and the heartbreaking West, Texas fertilizer plan explosion. All of these sad events were majo… Read more

Are Social Media Relationships Real Relationships?

June 19 2013

Social media is obviously here to stay as it just becomes more and more powerful over the years. While the format has changed from your MySpaces to your Twitters and Facebooks and what not, social media is absolutely everywhere now. More pertinent to you, social media is becoming one of the most important a… Read more

Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Press Release

June 04 2013

In one report from comScore, it was revealed that U.S. searchers conducted 371 million news-related searches on search engines in February 2012. 371 million news-related searches in one month!

What does this mean for you? It means you need to be optimizing your press releases. Reporters and customers a… Read more

5 Powerful Tips for PR Students

May 28 2013

Making the most of your time at school as a PR student is essential to getting a powerful start to your career. Here are 5 tips every PR student should follow:

  1. Never stop networking—As a future PR pro, networking is a skill you’ll have to master. Now is the time to start sharpening your networking skills. Cons
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