PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 78 of 94

Five Ways to Make Your Press Release Stand Out in a Crowd

December 01 2009

Stand Out in a CrowdAs you proof-read your press release, you check to make sure all the essential elements are there:  attention-grabbing headline, well-articulated news angles, dateline written in AP style, tightly-written introductory paragraph that includes all five “W’s,” a quote from a com… Read more

PR Defensive Playbook: When Crisis Strikes, Will You Be Ready?

November 30 2009

PR PlaybookFor most of us, the word “crisis” brings to mind something on the scale of Hurricane Katrina or September 11th. For businesses and the public relations professionals who advise them, a crisis can be anything from a disgruntled customer or former employee to a product recall, nasty blog post … Read more

The True Cost of Bad Publicity

November 27 2009

Bad news #3It has been said that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Looking around today, it’s clear that some companies still buy into this. … Read more

The Ultimate Collection of Press Release Topic Ideas

November 16 2009

Press Release Ideas You already know that a press release can increase your company’s visibility and generate a buzz that can increase sales. What you don’t know is what you should cover in your press releases. Well, I have some good news for you.… Read more

Top 10 Tips for PR Success Using HARO

November 12 2009

Kid JournalistIf you work in public relations or a related field, HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is a free service that can yield a substantial return for a minimal time investment-if you play by the rules, that is. One slip-up could get not just you but your entire company booted from HARO.… Read more

Demystifying the SEO Press Release From the Traditional Press Release

November 11 2009

Head ScratchingWhen those outside the realm of public relations hear the term Search Engine Optimized (SEO) press release, more than head scratching ensues. Clients have often been heard murmuring, “What would I do with a SEO press release and who would I submit it to?” It’s time to demystify how the … Read more

21 Media Relations Do’s and Don’ts for Optimal News Outcomes?

November 10 2009

News MenYou hope the strong news release you have worked so hard to polish will generate media interest and inquiries. But if it does, and if your spokespeople aren’t prepared for the media, your best effort can get derailed in a hurry.… Read more

7 Reasons Your Press Release Sucks

November 05 2009

Press Release SucksAs a writer I’m constantly trying to learn from my own mistakes and the mistakes of other writers. That’s why I like to occasionally visit some of those free press release distribution websites. It’s unfortunate, but the vast majority of press releases on those sites flat out suck. Wh… Read more

How to Master the Art of the Publicity Stunt

November 03 2009

Publicity StuntThe art of publicity stunts dates back to 1929 when Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, announced to the media that a group of women’s rights suffragettes would march in a Manhattan parade and light their “Torches of Freedom.” Once in front of the cameras the models lit up L… Read more

Free Press Release Distribution Roundup – 2024 Update

October 13 2009

Does Free Press Release Distribution Actually Work?

I get asked all the time if I can I provide a list of free press release submission companies. Despite being antithetical to my press release distribution business, which relies on reaching media directly the way that actually works and creates result… Read more