PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 77 of 94

Everything You Need to Know to Nail Your Media Interview

December 30 2009

Reporter InterviewMedia interviews are double-edged swords. On one hand, if you perform well during your interview, you can enjoy the benefits of increased exposure, enhanced credibility, and more future interviews. On the other hand, a poor performance during a media interview can diminish your credibility and damag… Read more

Pay-for-Play PR – Is the Gamble Worth It?

December 16 2009

cash_paymentPay-for-play or pay-for-performance PR is a tempting proposition. It’s akin to lottery and casino come-ons, filled with the promise of winning the big jackpot. Only the jackpot here is landing a story placement in a major media outlet. … Read more

How to Create a Buzz for Your Business

December 15 2009

very sweet render of a honey bee in yellow and black with ClippiTraditional advertisements and marketing campaigns can only take your business so far. If you want to truly spread the message, you need to create a buzz about your business. After all, what better way to get your name out there than to let your audience do it for you?… Read more

The Dos and Don’ts of Online Viral Marketing

December 14 2009

Marketing cycle sketchFor many, viral marketing is a mystery. When it does happen, you can’t figure out exactly how or why it happened. Because of its mercurial nature, many companies avoid viral marketing campaigns altogether, and that’s a mistake.… Read more

Top 7 Media Relations Mistakes

December 11 2009

etiquetteIn your dream world, media relations would probably consist of getting in touch with a news reporter or a blogger, telling them your story, and getting all the coverage you want from them. Unfortunately, the reality is much different. … Read more

How to Handle Negative Blog Comments

December 10 2009

Blog in typescript lettersIn your dream world, thousands of people read your blog every day, and every single reader agrees with your every word. Now, snap back to reality.… Read more

Public Service Announcements (PSAs) as a PR Tool

December 09 2009

People's mandala - 12 handsIf you watch TV, listen to the radio or read a newspaper, you have seen and heard a public service announcement (PSA). (The phrase “the more you know” should ring a bell.) … Read more

The Dos and Don’ts of Handling Customer Complaints

December 08 2009

complaintThe way your company responds to customer complaints goes a long way to shaping how the public perceives you. Just look at my previous post: @Target Customer Service = Fail. … Read more

@Target Customer Service = Fail

December 07 2009

At Target, I paid more and got less. Read more

Top 5 Tips for Writing Killer Press Release Headlines

December 07 2009

press_release_headlinesWithout a headline that demands attention, your press release will never have a chance of getting serious exposure. It doesn’t matter if your press release is being sent to editors at the top industry news outlets or if you’re publishing it online yourself, everyone – from editors to … Read more