PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 72 of 94

8 Outrageous PR Scandals: Athletic Edition

May 04 2010

Let Me Tell You A SecretThe past several months have not been kind to athletes. This year alone, we’ve already witnessed two major sex scandals from top sports starts. But these guys aren’t the first athletes to find themselves in a PR scandal, and they certainly won’t be the last.… Read more

5 Rules for Getting Your Press Release Noticed

April 29 2010

beautiful  girlEditors and reporters receive hundreds of press releases all day long. Every time they look up, another one is in their inbox or on their desk. This means you have a lot of competition. The more press releases that are sent out, the better your story has to be to stand out from the crowd.… Read more

Top Reasons to Target Smaller Local Media Outlets

April 27 2010

Man Reading NewspaperYou have a great story to tell. You’ve written up an interesting press release, and you’re hoping to land some serious coverage from the media. What do you do now? Who do you send your press release to?… Read more

The 5 Rules of Blog Etiquette

April 26 2010

Blogger RelationsWith hundreds of millions of blogs crowding the internet, the blogosphere can be a little bit like the Wild, Wild West at times. People say and do whatever they want, and decency and respect are thrown out the window.… Read more

Backgrounders and Why Your Press Release Better Have One (Including Examples)

April 23 2010

Press Releases and Backgrounders

If you run a business and want to attract attention to your products or services, publishing a press release is a great way to reach your goal. A press release gets your business published by major news outlets so that you can enter a broad audience. But if you really want to gRead more

How PR Professionals Get Stories Placed in Magazines

April 22 2010

Stack of old magazineExposure in magazines can be a great way to garner publicity for your organization, though lately there are fewer and fewer of them. Because of this, it’s important that a PR professional use all of her savvy when pitching a story to a magazine. Follow these tips to keep your pitch out of the “ci… Read more

13 Ways to Position Yourself as a Trusted Resource

April 19 2010

Letterpress TrustTrust. It’s something you’re always trying to gain … especially in this new online marketplace where customers have a hard time trusting anybody. … Read more

Just the Facts: Ensuring Accuracy in Your Press Releases

April 09 2010

Hit the targetWhen you’re writing a press release, you’re in a constant battle to create an interesting story that grabs journalists’ attention without using marketing hype or exaggerated claims. To be effective, a press release needs to be unbiased and completely accurate. If a journalist get… Read more

4 Reasons PR Campaigns Fail

April 08 2010

success-failureI’m a firm believer in studying the mistakes made by other PR campaigns so you can avoid making them yourself. Forget learning from your own mistakes. That’s too costly. The goal should be to let other people make the mistakes, you learn from them, and you never make mistakes at all. … Read more

Training Your Employees to be Brand Ambassadors

April 07 2010

brandYou can spend all the time you want writing a plan to build your brand, and you can create marketing materials and advertisements that reflect your branding goals too. But if you don’t train your employees to be ambassadors for your brand, it’ll all be for nothing. See, your brand is more than a … Read more