PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 53 of 94

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Case Study

April 18 2012

Writing a case study is a great way to increase credibility with potential clients. Follow these tips to produce one that works the way it’s supposed to!… Read more

Social Media is Like Chess

April 17 2012

Social media is funny – sometimes it’s deadly serious, and sometimes it just seems like a large scale game. But even when it’s at its most intense, social media is still like a game – chess, that is. Each part of your campaign adds up to a complete set of pieces, all of which together can bring you success on the b… Read more

Should You Be Giving Exclusives to Journalists?

April 06 2012

Your company has a huge announcement in the works. You’re gearing up to help spread the news out to the world. Suddenly you have a revelation: let’s offer it as an exclusive! That way our news will seem even bigger than it already is. Plus, we’ll have a unique deal with one media outlet, guaranteeing lots of co… Read more

Toughest Challenges PR Pros Face

April 05 2012

Every industry comes with its own unique challenges and hurdles, and the public relations field is no different. However, there are certain challenges PR pros face that make this career particularly tough sometimes, especially under certain circumstances.… Read more

Finding the Best Media Outlet for Your Product’s Launch

April 03 2012

I once had a client who was launching a really terrific golf product. We were discussing what the best plan was to get the word out about his item, and he told me he wanted to send out the initial wave to editors of business magazines.… Read more

Haters Gonna Hate: How to Let It Go

March 28 2012

There’s always somebody. No matter how well you think you’re doing, there’s always the one person who comes onto your Facebook page or sends you an email telling you just how much you suck. Everything you’ve done up to this point in your life is wrong and your business will close its doors in a matter of hours…… Read more

Why Embargoes Are Dangerous in the Age of Social Media

March 27 2012

There used to be a time when you could get away with a news embargo on a major story. Companies would do anything in their power to hide a big event or development in order to control the flow of information. This would inevitably lead to big announcements that would make the information seem larger than life.… Read more

5 Reasons People Hate PR Pros

March 26 2012

Public relations professionals get a bad rap. It seems like I can hardly go a day without coming across a blog post criticizing PR people in one way or another. But why the hate? Are PR pros really these despicable, glorified car salesmen that others try to make them out to be? Or have people developed an unfai… Read more

5 Reasons You Should Always Follow Up On Your Pitches

March 22 2012

Some media members have PR people believing they live by the motto: “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” That’s why you might think that when you don’t get a response on that press release you sent out it must mean that no one is interested. Maybe that is the case, but maybe it’s not. The only way to know for sure is to … Read more

3 Ways to Get Media Coverage without Writing a Press Release

March 20 2012

When you want media coverage, what do you do? You probably write a press release, send it out to a carefully culled list of reporters, and follow up with these reporters in hopes of getting your story covered in at least some of your target publications. While this is a popular way to score coverage, it is just … Read more