PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 37 of 94

5 of the Worst Things You Can Do on Twitter

November 22 2013

 Business owners love Twitter more and more with each passing day, but one of the consequences of so many new users is seeing the same mistakes over and over! Every day I notice one business doing this, that or the other to majorly anger their customer/fan base. To help them and you out, here are five thi… Read more

Why You Should Be Using Video In Your PR Campaigns

November 21 2013

As a PR pro, you know that finding new ways to engage and excite your target audience is absolutely essential to achieving long-term success. Yes, press releases still work, but that doesn’t mean you should rely solely on them to spread your message. With a smart, multi-channel PR approach, you’ll give yo… Read more

How to Master Busy Networking Events

November 15 2013

 Networking events can be amazing – you’ll meet countless people you would never be able to interact with otherwise in a face-to-face environment. They also give you a chance to make some strong business connections that can grow into a opportunities later on.… Read more

Press Release Submission Rules You’re Forgetting

November 14 2013

Before you send that email you were about to send, how sure are you that you’ve been following all the press release submission rules? If you cocked your head to the side wondering what rules I’m talking about then it’s definitely time to hold up a second. … Read more

Know Your Audience When Sending a Press Release

October 24 2013

After completing a press release you naturally want everybody in the world to read it. Friends, neighbors, and every journalist you can find an email, phone number, or physical address for in the continental US and beyond would love it if it was up to you. The release is naturally the most important thing in … Read more

Don’t Give Up on Your Press Release No Matter What

October 21 2013

It’s easy to become frustrated when nobody will pick up your press release. You send it out a hundred times a week and get three “no thank you” messages and a whole lot of nothing. It’s incredibly frustrating, especially when you know you have a real, legit press release with a real message behind it.

It can be … Read more

First, Get Your Staff Behind Your Rebrand

October 18 2013

Rebranding isn’t easy. Don’t believe me? Just Google “failed rebranding attempts” and take a look at the results on the first page. You’ll find example after example of companies that have tried to rebrand only to see their efforts fail. And not no-name companies either. We’re talking household n… Read more

The Role of the Media in PR

October 14 2013

The relationship between public relations and the media has always been a symbiotic one, with both parties receiving help from the other in various ways. While it doesn’t always seem equal if you’re a PR pro trying to get a story in a major media outlet, you would without a doubt be worse off without access to … Read more

Controversial PR – When to Risk It?

October 11 2013

Is there ever a time to step a toe over the line? While most of our time as PR pros is making sure we don’t intentionally drive people away, once in a while someone suggest a campaign that has the potential to do just that…  And it works! But how? … Read more

Building the Perfect Media Kit

October 09 2013

What’s the most important aspect of a media kit? Is it eye-catching images? Fact-filled data sheets? Spot-on statistics? While all these things are important, the most vital thing you should put into your media kit is your personality. … Read more