PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 35 of 94

Do These Things After You’ve Received Media Coverage

April 18 2014

You spend a lot of time and money trying to get earned media. It’s a never-ending war filled with constant defeats in battle. But when you finally do receive positive media coverage, it’s a great feeling, right? What a lot of people don’t realize, however, is that your work isn’t finished. Now, you need to ca… Read more

There’s Nothing Wrong with Admitting You’re Wrong

April 17 2014

I’m not going to lie. I have a hard time admitting when I’m wrong. But I’m not alone. Most people don’t like admitting they’re wrong. Pride is a tough thing to swallow, and we’ll go to any lengths to justify our mistakes and to pass the blame to someone else.… Read more

Why You Should Still Try To Get Print Media Coverage

April 14 2014

Because most people tend to get their news online these days, most PR people have shifted their efforts from getting coverage in traditional newspapers and magazines to getting coverage on blogs and relevant websites. And while there are certainly many advantages to targeting online publications (e.… Read more

Should You Still Be Putting Keywords In Your Press Release Headlines?

April 09 2014

We all know that SEO has evolved drastically over the past year or so. What once worked no longer works today, and if you don’t adapt, you run the risk of damaging your online presence. Simply put, the traditional SEO press release is dead. The days of stuffing your press releases with keywords and keyword-r… Read more

Keeping Your Email Content Crispy Fresh

March 21 2014

An email campaign is only as good as its content. If you work hard to get a million subscribers you’re just going to lose them if your actual emails stink. What’s even more of a pain is having to constantly come up with fresh content as the weeks, months, and even years go by. … Read more

Determining the Best Approach to Handle a Scandal

March 14 2014

 Well, it finally happened. Your client’s CEO was finally caught with his pants down, much to the horror of his wife. Even worse, just a few weeks earlier the CEO joined a nationwide pledge for high-powered business people to be faithful to their spouses. Now not only is there a scandal about the actua… Read more

What’s the Perfect Press Release Title?

March 12 2014

Is there such a thing as a perfect press release title? Obviously there are good and bad ones: titles that grab attention and titles that are easily skipped. But as far as perfect, does such a thing exist? … Read more

Recent Press Releases That Show You How It’s Done

March 05 2014

Need help with your press release efforts? Looking at samples of press releases is often the best way to know if you’re doing the best job with your own writing. One tendency is to stick to the past and look at press releases that have been successful before. … Read more

Don’t Mistake Low ROI for No Potential

February 28 2014

Return on Investment (ROI) is a funny thing. Sometimes it’s easy to tell when a PR or social media campaign is going to work out and totally be worth your time. Other times campaigns can take forever and it feels like your efforts will ever come to fruition no matter what you do. It doesn’t help that human behav… Read more

Why Being a Good Listener is the Most Important Part of Networking

February 26 2014

We live in an egocentric culture. Many of us are lead to believe, from day one, that the world should revolve around us. It’s all about me, me, me. Well, it sounds great in theory, but it just isn’t true. And if that’s the way you choose to run your business, well…you’re going to fail.… Read more