PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 32 of 94

Choosing a Winning Subject for Your Next Press Release

October 29 2014

If you’ve had trouble recently getting the attention of even the most faithful of your editor and journalist friends, then you may need to take a look at the type of material you’re sending. You could be getting a little too “familiar” and started figuring that everything is ok to send or even write about. … Read more

PR Problems You Never Expected

October 29 2014

Most PR pros have a grandiose idea of what public relations is before they go into the field. They see representation of it on TV or a movie and believe that the job is all glamour and hobnobbing with celebrities all the time. However, after a few years actually doing PR work, they quickly discover it’s not all … Read more

Differences Between Writing a Press Release and a Blog

October 28 2014

Writing is writing, right? You sit down, bang your head on the desk for a while, and eventually you come away with something that resembles properly formed sentences. While there is some truth to this (especially the head banging part), it would be unwise to pretend that the process of writing a press relea… Read more

The Value of Adding an Info Box to Your Press Release

October 23 2014

While the main goal when sending a press release is to have your story ultimately get picked up by the reporter, the first and most important thing you’re trying to do is to get your press release read. And with reporters receiving dozens—even hundreds—of press releases day in and day out, this is often a mor… Read more

Different Press Releases Have Different Audiences

October 20 2014

John Steinbeck, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath, once said, “Your audience is one single reader. I have found that sometimes it helps to pick out one person-a real person you know, or an imagined person-and write to that one.”… Read more

A Bad Press Release Doesn’t Get Better By Sending It Over And Over Again

October 17 2014

What Annoys Reporters Most About Press Releases

When asked the question, “What annoys you about press releases?” Yahoo! Finance’s Rick Newman said, “The ones sent to me 2, 3 4 times, as if I’ll be more likely to respond; sending irrelevant material multiple times doesn’t make it any more relevant.”… Read more

The Most Important Questions to Ask when Negotiating an Exclusive Coverage Agreement

October 07 2014

Offering a reporter or media outlet an exclusive can give them a huge incentive to cover your story. Every outlet wants to be the first to cover a big story, so offering them an exclusive is a great way to pique their interest while at the same time building their trust and taking the relationship to the next le… Read more

HARO Isn’t Your Only Tool For Finding Journalist Requests

October 02 2014

If you’ve spent any time on our blog at all, you know how much we love HARO. It’s one of our favorite free PR tools. You just sign up, and 3 times a day, you get an email containing a huge list of queries from reporters looking for sources for their stories. It’s an easy way to find media opportunities and potentia… Read more

Did an Upstart Texas Brewery Just Pull Off 2014’s Best Publicity Stunt?

September 30 2014

If you enjoy having a beer now and again, you’ve probably noticed that more and more craft beers have been crowding store shelves in recent years. Long gone are the days when Budweiser and Miller were among your only choices for a nice, cold beverage. These days, the craft beer scene has taken off, and small, … Read more

Writing Contributed Articles for PR? It’s Not About You.

September 29 2014

The days of sitting back and waiting for the media to come interview you or cover your company are long gone. These days, one of the best ways to get your name out there is by writing contributed articles to targeted publications your audience reads. That’s right, you need to be the content creator. Dwindlin… Read more