PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 31 of 94

Writer’s Block, Your Press Release, and You

November 24 2014

Does writer’s block really exist? Personally I’ve never experienced it. While this sounds like bragging it could be dumb luck – after all, most writers who talk about writer’s block have been around for some time and experienced it, so it’s not like I’m special. However, even when I’ve been faced with the r… Read more

Micro vs. Macro Blogging – Which is Better?

November 12 2014

You know what blogging is, but do you know the difference between macro and micro blogging? While it seems like it’s just about the size of the message, there’s much more to it than that. The types of messages and what they convey about your business can vary quite a bit depending on the medium used. … Read more

Closing Out Your Press Release with a Bang

November 11 2014

Many words have been typed about the beginning of a press release. And it’s true; making a first impression is vital to making it into a newspaper or magazine or anywhere else. If you don’t knock their socks off right away they’ll simply move on to the next press release. … Read more

5 Stupid Press Release Blunders Smart Companies Make

November 11 2014

Newbie or old pro – nobody is safe from making the occasional blunder. And this happens all the time on press releases. There are so many elements and so many things could go wrong that even the best in the business slip up and make goofy errors. … Read more

What to Do with a Failed Press Release

November 06 2014

 Well, you gave it your best shot. You wrote a fantastic press release, making sure to write in the inverted pyramid format and get in some great quotes and other relevant stuff. You literally couldn’t have done a better job… but it still failed miserably. … Read more

SEO is Dead, Long Live SEO

November 06 2014

For so many years Search Engine Optimization has been the bread of butter of PR pros everywhere. You wanted to get attention to your website or store so you would spice up your blogs and other content with keywords and links. Google would take notice and bump up your website to the front page, allowing search… Read more

Press Release Framework Tips

November 05 2014

The Press Release Framework

businessman_press_releaseWriting Your First Press Release

You’ve been tasked to write up your first press release. You’ve seen plenty of them over the years and even done some in school but this is your first time writing a press release as a professional. As a result, you want to make sure you do it right th… Read more

Email Marketing Tips to Learn From the Pros

November 03 2014

Next to press releases, email marketing is one of the toughest things to get exactly right in PR. In fact, it’s safe to say many businesses out there have experienced painful growing pains while they figured it out. Many still struggle with it.… Read more

The Essence of Public Relations in a Digital World

October 31 2014

It’s safe to say that PR has adapted to the digital world safe and sound. Some industries, like buggy whip crafting, just don’t translate to new technologies and fall to the wayside eventually, but PR has managed to survive the transition. While some things like press releases are in danger of eventually f… Read more

How to Think 3 Steps Ahead in PR

October 30 2014

Public relations is all about timing. Post something online at the right time and you’re golden – post at the wrong time and you’re out of luck. Release your press release right as the holiday shopping period begins and you’re rich – release it too late and you missed the window. With careful planning comes g… Read more