PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 30 of 94

18 Book Marketing Experts Reveal Secrets That Boost Recognition, Get New Readers, and Increase Sales

March 26 2015

There’s no shortage of advice out there about how to best market your independently published book to new readers. Indeed, it sometimes seems like almost everyone has something to say on the subject.

So who do you believe? Who do you pay the closest attention to? And who, at the end of the day, really h… Read more

Dealing With Limited Resources

February 23 2015

Beautiful Horse on the farm ranchMy company, for example, has exactly one person dealing with PR issues – me. … Read more

Email Etiquette for PR People

February 16 2015

I recently spent two hours purging my email inbox of old emails. The move was forced by my purchase of a new computer and a wish to cleanse my old computer of useless files. During the purge, which was the first such undertaking in over two years, I came across hundreds of press releases and emails from PR peopl… Read more

Is Your Client an Idiot?

February 09 2015

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Probably. … Read more

How to Guarantee Your Press Release Won’t Be Read

January 21 2015

On average, I receive fifty press releases each day. On top of that, I receive an additional 100 correspondences. My inbox is a disaster area. I have over 300 unread emails in my inbox from the past ten days and it’s likely that eighty percent of those are press releases. The question is: why do I read on… Read more

Give TV Producers Lead Time

January 19 2015

Even for the best publicists, booking a client onto a talk show on a day’s notice is a rarity. Just as great visuals are important when pitching TV producers for an interview, so too is providing leeway to consider your proposal. Giving the producer — and yourself — enough lead time to sc… Read more

Why PR Remains the Red-Headed Stepchild of Marketing

December 15 2014

We all know that public relations is the best thing since sliced bread, right? As PR pros we become a little isolated from the rest of the world and think nobody could ever doubt the power of what we’re doing. … Read more

Is Your Press Release Actually Timely?

December 02 2014

Thanks to the internet and social media, news spreads faster than ever before. Something that happened a day ago or even a few hours ago is already considered “old news” and no longer generates much interest as people have probably already moved on to something else. Timeliness is everything in today’s ne… Read more

Outside the Link: Google’s Crowned PR as the New SEO

November 28 2014

Remember years ago when you would search for something and come across a website riddled with nonsense words everywhere? Those Wild West days of SEO are thought of with a quiet laugh and a roll of the eyes. Those websites were never pretty and often full of junk and even viruses, but they always seemed to pop u… Read more

Public Relations Tips for Small Town Folks

November 26 2014

When most people think of people working in PR they imagine someone with a Bluetooth device in their ear, a latte in one hand, a tablet/phablet in the other, and driving downtown in the big city with music blaring. While some of that is undoubtedly true (where’s my phablet and latte?), it’s not the case for a l… Read more