PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 29 of 94

6 Steps for Becoming a Social Media Influencer

November 30 2015

You have been to school and you have attended countless seminars and training courses. You are also up to date on the latest developments and research in your field. You know that you have the answers, but what you don’t know is how to let everyone else online know about you. You want to become an influencer on… Read more

Funny & Fearless: How it can Work for You on Social Media

October 26 2015

Social Media SharingWait, wait! Don’t run away just yet. There is a way for your business to show a little personality and be funny on social media. Granted, there have been jokes that have bombed by well-known businesses, but overall, posting a joke will have your customers laughing and will garner you new fans. To be successf… Read more

The Art of Storytelling on Social Media

August 24 2015

Large group of friends at a party get together house drinking beer chatting storytelling gossipingIt is often repeated that social media is all about connecting with your audience on a personal level. Businesses are encouraged to share relatable content that visitors can find value in, but what does that even mean really? What divides content from great content and how does a business get there?… Read more

7 Reasons Why a Press Release Distribution Service Is Important

July 17 2015
media distribution

Imagine you’re a successful, seven-figure business owner. You spend your days working on your business and managing your team of employees.

It sounds like a dream life, but it takes work to get there. From marketing and sales to press release distribution, you need to build your business first.

Ke… Read more

Infographic: The Ultimate Media Interview Checklist

July 07 2015

The following post and infographic were created by Elena Verlee, founder of Cross Border Communications and PR in Your Pajamas… Read more

17 Experts Respond to Your Email Marketing 9-1-1

June 22 2015

snail-153885_1280According to the Direct Marketing Association, each penny you invest in email marketing will eventually yield an ROI of 4300%, and Gigaom Research has found that marketers consistently rank email as the single most effective medium for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention.… Read more

14 Expert Tips for Improving Facebook Engagement and ROI

April 28 2015

Scott AyresIf you do any kind of marketing on Facebook at all, here’s a complaint you’re sure to have heard (or even made yourself):

“Nobody’s engaging with my posts anymore. It’s like I’m invisible.”… Read more

How to Get Your News in an Industry Trade Magazine

April 27 2015

Many magazines close-upWriting and getting your material published by a trade magazine is a little different than writing for a consumer magazine or a newspaper. However, the same basic rules apply. Industry magazine writers and editors are also extremely busy and receive many pitches every day. In order to stand out from the c… Read more

How to Get Your News Into the Huffington Post

April 20 2015

Newspaper Press Run EndI remember the first time I saw one of my colleagues’ bylines on the Huffington Post. My first thought was “Wow, she’s made the big time!” And that was quickly followed by, “If she can do, then so can I.”… Read more

13 Twitter Experts’ Advice for Your Small Business

April 07 2015

Believe it or not, Twitter is going to be turning 10 years old in 2016.  Does that make anyone else feel old?

And despite the fact that the social network has been around long enough to have become essential to everything from journalism to customer service to talk-radio, many entrepreneurs and small busi… Read more