PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 28 of 94

Refresh Your Ideas: 7 Ideas to Update Old Content

August 22 2016

refresh-button-257x300There are many reasons why it is a good idea to refresh or reuse your blog content from time to time. First off, updating content takes a lot less time than creating an original post from scratch. Second, if your audience as grown over the life of your blog, most people haven’t seen this earlier post so it’s bra… Read more

How to Get Better Media Coverage for Your Release

August 08 2016

Anyone familiar with marketing their business will recognize that frustrating moment when they wish someone would pay attention to their press release. Sometimes the lack of attention is attributed to something as simple as not having an attention grabbing headline or focusing on the wrong media outl… Read more

Facebook Instant Articles: Get Started Sharing Your Content

July 25 2016

Last year, Facebook introduced Instant Articles to get their toe in the publishing game. They also wanted to offer an option for faster downloads and better displays of content, which meant having the content open directly in Facebook’s app, instead an outside website. It started as a beta test with a few … Read more

Calls to Action: 5 Tips to Make Them Better

July 11 2016

Great calls to action are usually part of a great design and they contain great copy. Moved to click a call to action on a website? It is usually because it stands out from the page and because the wording intrigues you. If there are multiple CTAs on a site, they must be differentiated from each other both by col… Read more

5 Tips for Effective Email Newsletters

June 13 2016

NewsletterAh, the dreaded newsletter. Either they never get opened or worse, they head directly to the spam folder. It seems every nearly every company, brand, or organization offers some type of email newsletter, whether or not it gets read is another story. So what can you do to set your newsletter apart from the th… Read more

6 Free Online Tools for Small Business

May 30 2016

toolsStarting a business is hard and keeping it in the black is even harder. It seems everyone wants a nice chunk of change between bills, rent, taxes, and salaries. With all that money going out the door, finding a free service to handle an aspect of your business is awesome news.… Read more

Yes, It IS Possible to Sell a Service on Instagram

May 16 2016

old vintage camera closeup on wooden backgroundPerhaps you have never considered Instagram for your business. If you are an accountant or an attorney, maybe you didn’t think your line of work was creative enough. Now it might take a little more work, but you can definitely sell your skills and services on Instagram.

Instagram, like Pinterest, Faceboo… Read more

7 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Small Business Owners

March 28 2016

As the owner of a small business, you are probably already aware that social media can be a great asset and a huge liability. We have heard countless times that in order to move business forward, engage customers, and drive sales we must be using social media. After you move to incorporate social media into y… Read more

7 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Healthcare Providers

March 14 2016

As a physician, nurse, or other healthcare provider, you must be always “on.” Your patients need answers and a lot of time you must think on your feet, respond quickly to situations and look for solutions. As we continue to grow as a global society, the needs of patients will only grow too. Especially when it … Read more

What’s the Best Time to Publish a Press Release?

February 29 2016

Business woman with question mark on a blackboard It’s Friday afternoon around 3pm and you have finally finished the press release that you worked on throughout the past week. You have major news regarding your company and spent time crafting the headline, the lead, and the perfect quote. The problem is it’s Friday afternoon and you know if journalists a… Read more