PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 65 of 96

5 Reasons to Hate Traditional Press Releases

March 30 2011

Hate press releases? You’re not alone! As time goes by, and new ways of marketing emerge, the lonely traditional press release is getting left behind. Here are five reasons why nobody can stand press releases anymore.

1. They Get Ignored

You spend so much time getting everything just right on your press re… Read more

8 Types of Annoying PR People

March 29 2011

I’m a PR guy, and I know a number of other PR guys and gals who I respect more than I can even put into words. But let’s face it. Our industry is plagued with some pretty annoying people. These are the types of PR guys who waste journalists’ time, overcharge their clueless clients, and use ridiculous PR speak, li… Read more

Is Customer Service Now Part of PR?

March 23 2011

Now that things like social media are part of a PR pro’s daily life, it may seem that the job is becoming almost a customer service career. Updating Facebook to calm nerves, responding on Twitter to put out fires. Is PR really heading toward turning us into glorified customer service reps, or is it still, bas… Read more

20 Easy Ways to Generate New Blog Topics

March 18 2011

One of the most challenging parts of managing an active blog is finding new topics to write about day in and day out. You always want to make sure that every piece you publish is the best content you’re capable of creating, so you don’t want to resort to generic filler content or rehashed pieces.

Thankfully, t… Read more

How to Write a Killer Press Release in 15 Minutes

March 17 2011

If you’ve taken my advice and employed the leaky faucet approach to PR, you’re writing a number of press releases on a consistent basis. Obviously, you don’t want to spend any more time writing your press releases than you have to.

I’ve come up with a short list of tips to help you write your press releases fas… Read more

5 Crazy But True PR Moments

March 15 2011

Once in a while, something truly out of the ordinary happens in the PR world that really makes the rest of us stand up and pay attention. Maybe a company manages to pull off a great stunt, or manages to divert a crazy situation by acting clever. Whatever it is, there’s something to be learned from even the crazi… Read more

10 Useful PR & Social Media Video Tutorials

March 11 2011

Most people are visual learners. Check out these 10 PR video tutorials and learn something today that you didn’t know yesterday!

1. JoTo Extreme PR Video Tutorials: PR Strategic Planning – The best way to plan for a PR project is for the client to know exactly what they want and want to achieve. And it’s your j… Read more

Top 10 FREE Social Media Monitoring Sites

March 10 2011

As more businesses turn to social media, marketers need to find monitoring tools to track and measure social media visibility and trends. Quite a few of these tools are available for free. Here is a roundup of our top favorite free social media monitoring websites.

1.) Google Alerts

Google Alerts are emai… Read more

7 Local Search Marketing Tips for Dominating Your Region

March 03 2011

The internet has long been touted for the opportunity it provides for businesses to reach customers all across the world. But what can it do for companies who don’t have global aspirations but just wish to dominate in their own backyard? Can you use search marketing to drive foot traffic to your local busin… Read more

Top 20 PR Experts to Follow on Quora

March 02 2011

Quora is quickly becoming the go-to place for folks seeking expert advice on a wide variety of topics, including public relations. There are a number of PR pros already creating great discussions and answering tough questions on the website, so it’s a great place to poke around and see what others in the fi… Read more