One of the biggest mistakes new bloggers make involves the style in which they write their posts. What usually happens is a new blogger will write the way they were taught in high school English class – formal and in third person. However, what these new bloggers fail to realize is that blogging is not … Read more
It may look easy, but it’s not. Crafting that perfect press release can take hours. Now imagine this: you spend hours and you finally have it worded exactly the way you want it. You send it off and cross your fingers hoping to get some good coverage.
But then you reread it. And guess what? You notice you made all … Read more
Let’s be honest: people often don’t consider press releases to be the most interesting pieces to read. They’re all about giving the facts of a story in a quick and concise manner. Most press releases stick to the same old template and are loaded with buzzwords and corporate speak. Zzzzzz …
However, that’s n… Read more
This time last year almost the entire country was blanketed by snow, and many people were simply stuck inside their homes or trapped in hotels and airports. While the weather is way more mellow this year, you could still get “snowed in.” That is, your business could!
What do I mean by that? Getting snowed in i… Read more
Thinking about starting to use press releases as a way to get media coverage? Or perhaps you want to use them for search engine optimization purposes? Either way, we all know how useful they can be. But the thing about them is this: someone has to write them.
Now, that someone could be you, but you also h… Read more
Press releases. We write them in an attempt to capture the interest of overworked journalists. If we do a good enough job (and with a little luck), they’ll pick up the story and run with it.
But is a written press release the only way to go about it? Is there anything we can do to supplement our PR efforts? You bet… Read more
As noted a few months ago in our tongue-in-cheek post, networking events can prove pretty ridiculous. Sure, they can be a good place to make valuable connections, but oftentimes, they present you with the same old people time and time again. So how can you make sure you’re attending the right events and no… Read more
Fun fact about me: I had never heard the phrase “throwing someone under the bus” until I was well into my 20s. Somehow that phrase totally escaped me growing up. So naturally I was a little confused – not to mention concerned – when I first encountered it.
In any case, despite my ignorance, it’s a cute if not hor… Read more
Anyone can make a New Year’s resolution. Heck, we all do, though “losing weight” and “finding more time for community service” quickly fades away once February hits.
Instead of resolutions this year, how about some promises to yourself and to your business… Read more
With the New Year upon us, now is a great time to resolve to improve employee relations – the manner in which your organization’s administration interacts with employees. The better you get at employee relations, the happier your staff will be. The happier your staff, the more productive they will … Read more