PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 54 of 96

20 Ideas for Things You Can Tweet Right Now

June 21 2012

To make Twitter work for your company, you have to Tweet consistently. But sometimes this can prove challenging as you aren’t really sure what to share. Here are a ton of ideas to get you going:

  1. An interesting article you just came across. Two things worth pointing out here: first, the number one thin
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How to Promote Your App Using Press Releases

June 18 2012

While you might consider social media to be the most useful method to get free press for your app, that’s not necessarily the case. A well written, highly targeted press release can grab the attention of both the traditional media (newspapers, magazines) and not-so traditional media (bloggers, ezines)… Read more

Operation Mockingbird: How Much Can the Government Influence the Media?

June 08 2012

In the early years of the Cold War, a secret American project called “Operation Mockingbird” began. This was a program intent on buying the influence of all major media outlets by recruiting and paying off news organizations and journalists. These men and women of the advertising world basically became … Read more

The Future of PR in a Digital World

May 31 2012

Like it or not, the face of public relations has changed. In this increasingly digital world, PR is no longer about spreading your message to the passive, reactive public. Our audience is now more active than ever – even participating in our message – and companies that push against this are falling … Read more

Reaching the “Unreachable” Audience

May 30 2012

“I know we’re selling countless NASCAR pins to our southern blue collar base,” you say to yourself one day, “but I feel like we’re growing stagnant. How can we reach the rest of America with our fine product? I especially want to reach the hipsters in San Francisco.”

Thus begins one of the toughest challenge… Read more

Training New Recruits

May 29 2012

You can’t work on the same campaign forever. Even if you work at the same company and deal with one company your entire tenure there, at some point you’ll have to hand over the reins. And more than likely that day will come before you retire.

Whenever that day is, you’ll have to train a new recruit. While you may … Read more

Spin Techniques You’ve Never Noticed Before

May 23 2012

It almost seems like we’ve become accustomed to the various and sundry techniques of spin companies try in the media. If there’s a disaster we’re all looking how they’ll try to either recover or turn the news into something somewhat positive. When it comes and it’s obvious, we usually just laugh it off.

Som… Read more

3 Reasons Why You Should Write a White Paper

May 18 2012

It’s one of the lesser used PR tactics out there currently, but writing a white paper for your company’s product can do wonders for your business. I suspect the reason it’s so rare now is because they take time and energy to produce. Plus, it takes a mixture of creativity and raw know-how to make a proper white … Read more

5 Reasons PR Will Never Die

May 17 2012

With many companies taking on their own social media and PR duties these days, is there still a need for public relations experts? Can PR stand the test of time or is just another phase of advertising? There are several reasons why PR is safe and sound and will continue to be so for years to come.

1. All About RelRead more

5 Ways to Lose the Trust of Your Customers

May 11 2012

What is the underlying purpose of all the PR work you’re doing? Why are you spending all of this time and money? Yes, it’s inevitably to bring in more business, but you accomplish this through building relationships. So all the public relations work you do  —  it’s to get people to like andRead more