Standing out at your PR internship can open up a slew of career opportunities, but it’s not always easy for interns to get noticed. Simply being a good intern isn’t enough. You have to really work hard if you want to be the intern your boss thinks of when an entry-level position opens up.
So, how can you stand ou… Read more
Do you struggle with getting people to read your press releases? Maybe it’s not that the content is bad. Maybe it’s that you’re not presenting the content in a way that’s appealing to your audience’s natural reading tendencies.
Countless studies have been performed that track the way people read content … Read more
Recently, I shared some impressive statistics about the popularity of Instagram and discussed some of the different ways you can use this social media app for PR. Today, I want to delve a little deeper into the subject and talk more about the approaches your business can take and the general etiquette you n… Read more
One of the questions I get asked most often is, “When is the best day to send a press release?” Now, I know right off the top that some of you are going to disagree with this, but I don’t believe there is a best day for sending press releases. I know some people will say that if you have bad news to announce, you shoul… Read more
Instagram was launched 2 years ago, providing a new, fun way for people to share photos with their friends. The app lets you snap a photo and then put a filter on it to give it a unique look. Pictures are then shared on Instagram with users on there, and they can also be uploaded to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and … Read more
Networking is an important part of public relations. And while much networking advice focuses on how to grow your network, I don’t think we spend enough time talking about how to manage your relationships so you can get the most out of them. After all, you can meet all the people and get all the business cards … Read more
Okay, I admit it. Most press releases are boring. But why? What makes most press releases suck so bad that no one wants to read them and they end up in the trash? Well, to be honest, it isn’t necessarily the content. You can have the most interesting news in the world, but if you don’t know how to write a bang up rel… Read more
When it comes to press release writing, one of the primary marks of an amateur is sentence complexity. Here’s what normally happens: a small business owner will have a piece of news they think would be great to get out to the press in order to generate a bit of buzz surrounding their company. And since small bu… Read more
If you’ve been attending networking events for an extended period of time, you already know that not all of them are worth your time. A lot of networking events either just aren’t a good fit for you personally or they flat out suck all the way around, offering nothing of value to anyone who attends.
The proble… Read more
You send out a press release. A reporter likes it, so he (or she) decides to check out your website to do a little more digging. However, when the reporter visits your website, he finds it woefully inadequate at providing any useful information. Before you know it, the reporter has dropped your story in favo… Read more