PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 93 of 94

A Terminal Public Relations Nightmare

May 13 2001

It is the worst nightmare of anyone involved in event planning: The event turns into a disaster. Such was the case last week in London, where British Airways (“BA”) and BAA, which operates Heathrow Airport, opened Terminal 5.… Read more

Giving Up on Wal-Mart

April 17 2001

Dumbstruck. That’s how I felt after reading Jeffrey Goldberg’s article in the April 2nd edition of The New Yorker entitled “Selling Wal-Mart.”

“The Edelman team assigned to Wal-Mart, I learned, is divided into three groups: ‘promote,’ ‘respons… Read more

Good Intentions Turn Into Bad Public Relations

April 16 2001

It was just a simple contest. For Toys “R” Us, Inc., however, it turned into a public relations nightmare.

The toy retailer started off 2007 in ugly fashion after a contest to award the first baby born in 2007 a $25,000 United States savings bond went awry amid charges of xenophobia and racism. … Read more

Beware of “Gotcha” Journalism

April 14 2001

When transit strikers in New York City went on strike last December, I tuned into NY1, a local news station owned by Time Warner and carried exclusively on the company’s cable system. The station had up-to-the-minute information on the labor negotiations and traffic situation. I didn’t bo… Read more

A Challenging Time for JetBlue

April 04 2001

I can only imagine what it’s been like for the public relations people at JetBlue over the past week. If any of those folks get paid by the hour, they’ve been racking up some serious overtime.… Read more

Dealing With Tragedy

March 16 2001

The business world was shocked on Monday when it was announced that McDonald’s Chairman and CEO Jim Cantalupo had died of an apparent heart attack.… Read more’s Over-the-Top PR Strategy

March 10 2001

Bizarre is a word I’ve heard muttered often over the past few days when it comes to… Read more

The Public Relations Superbowl

January 31 2001

Ask Rudy Giuliani how one major event can change the public’s perception.

Before the tragic events of September 11, 2001, New York’s then-mayor was not exactly a media darling. His personal life was splashed on the pages of New York’s tabloids, the city’s finances were in awfu… Read more

Irrational Hubris?

January 28 2001

Richard W. Edelman, the president, chief executive officer and namesake of Edelman Public, is a very happy man.… Read more

Katrina’s Public Relations Aftermath

January 27 2001

The September 11th terrorist attacks in New York City made Rudolph Giuliani a hero. The then Mayor of New York City, Giuliani displayed the kind of leadership that enthralls people. He was a mesmerizing force, a steady hand during a time of uncertainty, and a leader willing to get into the trenches with his … Read more