PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 75 of 94

5 Steps for Creating a Public Relations Strategy

February 22 2010

Performing public relations services for a new company or a company that has never before seen the spotlight can be an exciting, not to mention somewhat daunting, enterprise.  Will the company become a media darling? Will a concerted PR effort result in floods of public good will? Before you start counti… Read more

Public Relations at the Local Level

February 19 2010

communityWhen people think public relations, they think of slick PR pros courting journalists or holding press conferences in front of national media. But the truth is that most businesses and organizations are relatively small, relatively localized entities. … Read more

What’s the Right Press Release Length?

February 18 2010

Press Release Length

Usually, when we talk about creating the perfect press release, we focus on crafting catchy headlines and avoiding silly grammar errors. But these aren’t the only elements required for a successful press release. And you might even argue that they aren’t the most impo… Read more

Top Tips for Proofreading Your Press Release

February 15 2010

glasses_bookWhen you’re sending out a press release, you want to make sure it isn’t riddled with typos or grammar errors as mistakes undermine your credibility and make you look like an amateur. Admittedly, proofreading is one of my least favorite activities, but I have a few tips and tricks that make the … Read more

Using Customer Pain Points to Tell Your Story

February 12 2010

You want to tell your story, but you just don’t know how. How do you grab the journalist’s attention and make them say “Wow, this is a story I have to cover!”?… Read more

Reputation Management: Dominating the Search Results for Your Company Name

February 09 2010

Search engines have become a heavily used tool by consumers gearing up for a purchase. In fact, a study by Enquiro found that customers turn to search engines often for guidance during the buying process. Notice the percentage of customers who turn to search engines during various stages of the buying cyc… Read more

When (Not) to Hold a Press Conference

February 08 2010

Microphones At Press ConferenceIf television and the movies are to be believed, press conferences are the backbone of the public relations industry.  Every time a character in a movie makes good, he or she is often seen standing in front of microphones from the likes of the BBC and CNN while dodging rapid fire questions from reporters.  B… Read more

5 Tips for the Perfect Elevator Pitch

February 05 2010

Whether you’re trying to interest a customer in your products/services or you’re trying to grab the attention of a reporter, having a strong elevator pitch is the key to your success. Like its name implies, an elevator pitch is a strong, concise pitch that you can deliver in the time it takes t… Read more

The 4 Characteristics of an Effective PR Campaign

February 03 2010

Compass ConceptWhat makes some PR campaigns successful while others are flops? While there are a lot of variables in every PR campaign, I’ve come to realize that the most successful campaigns share 4 things in common.… Read more

The Dos and Don’ts of Press Release Writing

February 02 2010

When you send out a press release, you’re competing with hundreds, maybe even thousands, of other press releases. How can you cut through all this clutter to separate yourself from the pack? Well, like the old saying goes, “Content is king.” … Read more