PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 62 of 94

7 Ways Facebook Could Cost You Your Job

April 21 2011

You ensure that your resume looks up-to-date. The shoes are shined and the shirt is starched. You have this job interview in the bag before you even so much as shake hands with the hiring manager. So why are you jeopardizing your new job before you even get it? … Read more

5 PR Campaigns that Changed the USA

April 20 2011

Some public relations campaigns are fantastic and make companies a lot of money. However, there are some campaigns that literally change the world! Whether their creators knew it at the time or not, these five examples influenced the world we live in today in many ways.… Read more

Why Some Social Media Campaigns Go Viral and Others Fail

April 19 2011

Think of the last crazy social media campaign you came across. There are definite reasons that campaign made it to your Facebook wall or email inbox. For every successful one, there are at least a thousand that don’t see the light of day. Most of these were uninspired, lazy efforts, but sometimes the good on… Read more

Do Journalists Make Good PR People?

April 13 2011

How easy is it to jump from journalism to public relations? Some argue that it’s simple, while others say that it’s nearly impossible. Journalists do face some unique challenges when they want to make the leap to PR. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.… Read more

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching a New PR Campaign

April 12 2011

The success or failure of your new PR campaign hinges on asking the right questions before you take action. If you spring into action without taking the time to plan carefully, you’re not going to achieve the level of results you hope for.… Read more

How to Get More Yelp Reviews Without Bribing Customers

April 11 2011

When it comes to local internet marketing and reputation management, perhaps no website is more important to companies than Yelp. In the unlikely event that you don’t know what it is, Yelp is a site that allows customers to share their opinions about local businesses. Users can submit reviews, positive o… Read more

5 CRM Programs to Help You Manage Your Journalist Contacts

April 08 2011

Need help organizing all your big journalist contacts? Keep sending your press releases to the same people over and over? Then you need a good customer relationship management program! Here are 5 that will help you separate your Carl Bernsteins from your Dan Rathers.… Read more

5 Reasons to Hate Traditional Press Releases

March 30 2011

Hate press releases? You’re not alone! As time goes by, and new ways of marketing emerge, the lonely traditional press release is getting left behind. Here are five reasons why nobody can stand press releases anymore.… Read more

8 Types of Annoying PR People

March 29 2011

I’m a PR guy, and I know a number of other PR guys and gals who I respect more than I can even put into words. But let’s face it. Our industry is plagued with some pretty annoying people. These are the types of PR guys who waste journalists’ time, overcharge their clueless clients, and use ridiculous PR speak, li… Read more

Is Customer Service Now Part of PR?

March 23 2011

Now that things like social media are part of a PR pro’s daily life, it may seem that the job is becoming almost a customer service career. Updating Facebook to calm nerves, responding on Twitter to put out fires. Is PR really heading toward turning us into glorified customer service reps, or is it still, bas… Read more