PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 61 of 94

How Much Is Too Much? At What Frequency Should You Send Press Releases?

May 11 2011

At what point does “sending out a lot of press releases to gain exposure” become “I just angered every single journalist in my city?” It’s easy to blacklist yourself and your entire company by constantly sending out press releases to newspapers, especially to ones that you’ve already submitted.… Read more

10 Ways to Gain the Trust of Customers

May 10 2011

Earning the trust of customers is the key to making sales and building client loyalty. Today’s consumer is more skeptical and more careful than ever before. They ask a lot of questions and demand a lot of accountability from the companies they do business with. And if they don’t trust your company, they won… Read more

5 Blogging Rules You Should Break

May 09 2011

When it comes to social media marketing (and all forms of marketing for that matter), I’ve never been a big fan of rules. People are always trying to tell you what you should do and how you should do it, but as the old saying goes, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”… Read more

5 Questions to Determine Whether Your Press Release is Newsworthy

May 06 2011

Your boss comes to you with some big news and wants you to write up a kickin’ press release about it. You ask what the big news is and she tells you the company is planning to send out company emblazoned coffee mugs to their favorite clients. Now, before you start writing, let’s look to see if this is actually new… Read more

PR Oops: How to Correct Misinformation in a Press Release

May 05 2011

In the fast-paced world of media and public relations, the accuracy of a press release is paramount. However, mistakes can occur. When they do, it’s essential to address them swiftly and effectively. Here’s a guide on how to correct errors in a press release.

There’s nothing more heart-sto… Read more

Tactics for Stronger Opening Paragraphs in Your Press Releases

May 04 2011

When it comes to press releases, first impressions are everything. If the opening (or “lead”) paragraph of your press release doesn’t quickly grab the attention of the reader, everything else you’ve written is for nothing. Your press release won’t get picked up, and your story will die. It’s pretty simp… Read more

Give Your Statistics More Punch

May 03 2011

A good press release deals only with the facts. No opinions. No hyperbole. Just honest, accurate information that supports your story.… Read more

How Google’s New Page Rank Algorithm Benefits PR Pros

April 28 2011

Did you have your algorithms and SEO all figured out for Google? Too bad, it’s all changed, if you haven’t heard. Of course, Google changes their formulas and algorithms all the time to keep up with user trends. However, this change is destined to be a big one, and, for once, it’s positive news for all us PR pro… Read more

5 Steps to Take After Your Press Release Has Been Sent

April 27 2011

So you finally emailed that press release out after a week of solid work. Time to relax! Right?… Read more

How to Thank a Reporter Who Covered Your Press Release

April 25 2011

You wake up one day and check your local newspaper. Lo and behold, right there on the first page, is a news story based on your press release! After all these many years a friendly reporter did you a solid and covered your announcement. So how do you go about thanking them? Send them flowers? Take them to a fancy … Read more