PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 43 of 94

How You Should End Your Press Releases

April 02 2013

In life there are two kinds of people: those who start things only to walk away, and those who finish what they began. And when it comes to writing a press release (or any form of copy, for that matter), it’s easy to get lumped in that first group. Why? Because when you sit down to write a press release, you have a g… Read more

Why You Should Always, Always Be Nice

March 25 2013

It’s always upsetting when you contact someone from your favorite company or brand only to find out they’re extremely rude or uncaring. You like to think just because their product is awesome that they must be cool as well, but that’s not always the case. Whether it’s hubris or ignorance, some company reps … Read more

Leveraging Your Case Studies for PR Gain

March 07 2013

Case studies are an incredibly powerful marketing and PR tool. In fact, in the 2012 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends Report from the Content Marketing Institute, 70 percent of B2B marketers said that they believe case studies are an effective marketing tool. It was one of the highes… Read more

How Press Release Writing Has Made Me A Better Writer

March 06 2013

Make no mistake—press release writing is a specialized skill. However, that doesn’t mean that the skills I’ve acquired from years of writing press release don’t carry over to other forms of writing that I do. Writing press releases has absolutely made me a better all-around writer. How?… Read more

Don’t Let Customers Dictate the Conversation

March 01 2013

When communicating with your customer base, you may make the mistake of thinking they run the show. After all, they have all the money, which you desperately want and need. They have the desire to buy from you so you naturally feel like you have to cater to their every whim.… Read more

5 Ways to Actively Participate in Your Professional Organization

February 23 2013

You want to help your colleagues and friends promote and improve the general well-being of your industry, but you’re not sure how. It can be a little daunting when others are throwing out ideas and organizing get-togethers. Here are a few things you can do in your professional organization to help out more… Read more

Deny, Deny, Deny: How to Embrace Denial in Your PR Campaigns

February 22 2013

“Denial” isn’t a word you hear around the PR community too much considering it’s the opposite reaction you want from your customers. The last thing you want is to see people, upon experiencing your new campaign, covering their ears and shouting, “No, no, no!”… Read more

Is Your Press Release Full of Fragments or Run-on Sentences?

February 15 2013

As the internet continues to be flooded with gobs and gobs of press releases, the overall quality seems to be getting watered down. As I have highlighted in a number of posts, it’s not just the actual content (although that is an issue, as people put up release after release for links with no real newsworthy c… Read more

When to Retract or Correct a Press Release

February 13 2013

Retracting a Press Release

To retract a press release means to officially withdraw or take back the statement or information that was previously disseminated to the public and the media. This is usually done when the information in the original press release is found to be incorrect, misleading, or no lo… Read more

Mastering the Fine Art of Writing with Brevity

February 12 2013

English poet Robert Southey once said, “It is with words as with sunbeams — the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.”

Thomas Jefferson showed a similar love for brevity when he quipped, “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.”

Nietzsche also had somethin… Read more