PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 38 of 94

Should You Be Contrarian When Responding To HARO Queries?

October 08 2013

One of my favorite ways to get media coverage and to become a go-to source for reporters is by using HARO. For anyone who doesn’t know, HARO is a free service that connects journalists with sources for their stories by sending out daily emails with queries from reporters. If you’re subscribed to HARO, you si… Read more

3 Different Types of Complaining Customers (And How to Deal with Them)

October 04 2013

You’re never going to make everyone happy in life and the sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be. However, when it comes to that business you run, well you can’t really afford to adopt that “brush it off” attitude. Why? Well, bottom line is that more customers equal bigger profits. Conversely, lo… Read more

Can a 7th Grader Understand Your Press Release?

October 02 2013

When writing a press release, one of the most important things is to make sure your message gets delivered clearly. That’s why you need to make sure you avoid using jargon and buzzwords in your press releases. The average person won’t understand what you’re saying, and it will kill your press release. This … Read more

Social Media To-Do’s for Your Next Press Release

September 26 2013

The ideal outcome of a press release is it continues the conversation. After it’s printed or put up on a website the press release should invite readers to learn more about the company or issue it’s talking about. If it doesn’t do this, and readers immediately forget about the company, the press release has … Read more

Press Releases that Make No Sense… But Work Anyway

September 24 2013

Have you ever heard the phrase “the exception that proves the rule?” When you have a steadfast, unwavering rule, it’s inevitable something comes up that breaks it entirely. But when it does, it just shows how true the rule was in the first place because the exception is so “huh?” worthy. … Read more

How to Monitor Social Media for Potential Crises

September 19 2013

When it comes to a business crisis scenario, we’re talking about a very real possibility of your company facing some legitimate damage. These damages could include any of the following:… Read more

Is There a Writing Style You Should Use for Good PR?

September 17 2013

There are a couple of things you need to decide before you start writing, regardless of the type of piece you’re looking to produce. Whether you’re composing the next great American novel or a sales brochure, the first thing you need is to figure out who your reader is. This is called your target audience.… Read more

How to Use Your Secret Weapon—Body Language

September 13 2013

You’ve heard how important body language is, but you probably don’t realize just how important it really is. We’ve been talking a lot about media interviews and how you should or should not handle them. Most of that has to do with your prep work and how you actually answer the questions. But there’s another k… Read more

Dealing with Picky Journalists and Editors

September 03 2013

Getting your press release or news story into a newspaper, on TV, or even a journalist’s blog can be an uphill battle. It makes it that much worse when the journalist or editor is super picky. After the fifth round of third degree questioning, and a brutal fact checking, it can seem like they just don’t like YO… Read more

4 Vital Elements to Include in Your Press Release

August 28 2013

Think your press release is all sewn up and ready to go? Hold up! You may be leaving out some vital information in every one.  If you’ve ever wondered why your press releases aren’t getting picked up more often it’s possibly because they’re incomplete! … Read more