PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 21 of 94

Get in the News! How to Write a News Release

November 16 2020
how to write a news release

People want to learn who you are, what you do, and why you should care. Without enough information, consumers could turn away. How you market your business could make all the difference. 

Learning how to write a news release is an essential part of your marketing plan. Otherwise, you might fail to expand yo… Read more

7 Reasons Why a Media Distribution Service is Important

November 04 2020

Imagine you’re a successful, seven-figure business owner. You spend your days working on your business and managing your team of employees.

It sounds like a dream life, but it takes work to get there. From marketing and sales to media distribution, you need to build your business first.

Keep readi… Read more

What is the Standard Press Release Format?

October 31 2020
standard press release format

The standard press release format was once used only by media outlets. But the press release has had a resurgence of importance.… Read more

10 Exceptional Press Release Examples to Model Your Press Release After

October 27 2020

Would you want your company news to be released with a booming trumpet fanfare or a lonely whimper on a cymbal? The press release can be the text equivalent of both, turning your company into a household name or resigning it to the also-rans of history. 

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What is the Best Press Release Distribution Service for You? 5 Factors to Help You Choose

October 23 2020
Press release distribution service

Every once in awhile, your small business has some exciting news to share. This could be an event targeting your current and potential customers. Or you’re making improved changes to your products or services.

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5 Tips to Help You Bust Through Writer’s Block

October 19 2020

You’re staring at your computer screen wondering what to write. The blinking cursor seems to mock you as your mind consistently draws a blank. And your boss wants you to turn in your copy in the next few hours. But no matter what you do, you can’t seem to write. The words might naturally come to yo… Read more

A Typical Press Release Example Format: Getting You Started to Better Coverage

October 15 2020

You have a company announcement or a new collaboration or product you are selling. One of the best ways to get that information out there is to send out a press release. But what is a press release?

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Press Release Format: Formatting Tips to Create an Effective Press Release

October 11 2020
press release format

Smart marketers know how to get the word out about their products and services with the use of press releases and press release distribution services. But crafting the best press release takes a bit of practice. 

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How to Write a Press Release: Your Comprehensive Guide

October 07 2020
how to write a good press release

Are you looking to write a press release for your company, but aren’t quite sure how to do it?

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7 Innovative Small Business Marketing Tips

October 05 2020
small business marketing

If you own a small business, you need to tell people what you do and why they should be your customer. The best way to do that is through small business marketing.

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