PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 15 of 94

50 Benefits of Publishing a Press Release

October 26 2021

Are you wondering whether or not it makes sense to publish a press release? In short, the answer is a definitive “yes.”

Benefits of Publishing a Press Release

publishing a press releaseThere are multiple benefits to publishing a press release, including:Read more

11 Tips for Writing a Business Press Release

October 19 2021

business press releaseJournalists receive thousands of press releases every day. You may wonder if a business press release is still relevant in the digital age. The truth is, a considerable percentage of journalists look at press releases each day to get inspiration for their articles. The evolvement of the press release o… Read more

How to Grow Your Brand Authority and Reach With a News Release

September 23 2021

news releaseOver 70% of marketers say content marketing has quantifiably improved prospect engagement. Meanwhile, 66% of customers agree that companies should make it easier to access their content.

Creating a news release can help you appear in front of those customers.

You can generate brand awareness, build r… Read more

What’s a Call to Action and Why Is It Important for My Press Release?

September 16 2021

what's a call to actionThe most common function of a successful press release is to promote something significant by getting media attention. Press releases are also important marketing tools.

What is a Call to Action in a Press Release?

A call to action in a press release is an instruction or statement designed to get the rea… Read more

Headline Writing: Our Best Tips and Tricks for Effective PR Headlines

September 09 2021

headline writingIt might be the shortest sentence in your entire press release, but your headline is undoubtedly one of the most important. In fact, some might say that it’s more important than the actual press release itself.

The sad reality is that headlines are often treated as an afterthought, even though 8 out Read more

What Sets the Best Press Release Service Apart From the Rest?

September 02 2021

best press release serviceHave you considered the importance of press releases to your marketing strategy?

A press release is a written or recorded piece of communication sent to media outlets covering important news about your company. The primary purpose of a press release is to capture the attention and interest of news distr… Read more

How a Well Structured Press Release Will Boost Your Business Growth

August 26 2021

business growthAbout 80% of consumers prefer to learn about a business through custom content. Without a content marketing strategy, you could miss a chance to reach customers. It’s not enough to start blogging, though.

Instead, you can expand your reach and maximize business growth with press release distrib… Read more

How to Build Positive Relationships With the Media

August 19 2021

media relationshipsThe worldwide public relations market is expected to register an annual compound growth rate of 10.2% in 2021. The massive growth comes as businesses strive to recover from the COVID-19 effect. And there is no better way to reach the public than through media relationships.

Business owners now realize t… Read more

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional for Your Press Release Writing

August 12 2021

press release writingAbout 65% of marketers struggle to create engaging and Google-loved content. Meanwhile, small businesses with blogs generate 126% higher lead growth than others. Those who blog are 14 times more likely to see a positive ROI. About 70% of US companies actively invest in content marketing, too. Conside… Read more

Press Release Checklist to Maximize Your Results

August 05 2021

press releaseIt takes over five impressions before people begin remembering your brand. With regular press release distribution, you can remain top-of-mind. In time, brand awareness could even become recognition.

The next time a consumer needs your product or service, they’ll recall seeing your release.… Read more