The Value of Cision PR Newswire Distribution for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you’re always looking for ways to get your message out to a wider audience. You’ve probably heard of press releases, but maybe you’ve dismissed them as something only big corporations use. I’m here to tell you that press releases can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, especially when distributed through a reputable newswire like Cision PR Newswire.

Why Cision PR Newswire Matters

Cision PR Newswire is one of the best, oldest and most respected newswires in the United States. When you distribute your press release through PR Newswire, you’re not just sending it out into the void. You’re putting it in front of thousands of journalists, media outlets, and eventually, potential customers.

The eReleases Advantage

Here’s something you might not know: eReleases is the only press release distribution service for small businesses that includes distribution on the national Cision PR Newswire feed. Others may claim to do so, but they are only able to access local or regional feeds. This means that when you use eReleases, your press release has the potential to reach a truly national audience.

The Power of Nationwide Distribution

The power of national distribution can be seen from a small educational technology startup that had developed a unique app to help children with learning disabilities improve their reading skills. They had a great product but were struggling to get attention in a crowded market.

We decided to leverage their internal data for a newsworthy press release. The company had been collecting anonymized data on user progress, and the results were impressive. On average, children using the app were showing reading improvement equivalent to a full grade level in just three months of regular use.

We crafted a press release that not only announced these findings but also tied them to broader issues in education and learning disabilities. We distributed it through Cision PR Newswire, timing the release to coincide with the beginning of the school year.

The press release caught the attention of education reporters across the country. It was picked up by several major education trade publications, a popular parenting magazine, and even made it into a segment on a national morning news show.

The exposure led to a significant spike in app downloads – a 300% increase in the week following the coverage. More importantly, it opened doors for partnerships. Two school districts reached out to pilot the app in their special education programs, and a national learning disability advocacy group invited the startup’s founder to speak at their annual conference.

Cost-Effective PR for Small Businesses

You might be thinking, “This sounds great, but I bet it’s expensive.” Here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be. Through E-Releases, you can get your press release on the national Cision PR Newswire feed for a fraction of what it would cost to go directly through PR Newswire.

How much less? Well, PR Newswire typically charges between $1,600 to $2,000 for a national press release distribution. Through eReleases, you can get the same national distribution for about a quarter to a third of that price.

Plus, press releases distributed by eReleases don’t just get onto the PR Newswire feed. We also choose reporters, editors and influencers who will be interested in your story from our exclusive in-house database of over 1.7 million reporters, further increasing your reach.

Crafting an Effective Press Release

Of course, getting your press release on Cision PR Newswire is only half the battle. To truly leverage this distribution, you need to craft a press release that will catch journalists’ attention. Here are some key elements to include:

  1. A Strong Headline: This is your first chance to grab attention. Make it count!
  2. A Compelling Lead Paragraph: Get to the heart of your story quickly and clearly.
  3. Powerful Quotes: This is your chance to control your messaging. Make your quotes memorable and impactful.
  4. Relevant Data: Journalists love data. If you can include statistics that support your story, do it.
  5. A Clear Call to Action: What do you want readers to do after learning about your business?

The Power of Storytelling in Your Press Release

Remember, journalists are storytellers. They’re looking for compelling narratives that will resonate with their audience. Don’t just list facts about your business – tell a story.

For example, let’s say you run a small auto detailing business. Instead of just announcing a new service, you could share the story of how you developed this service in response to a challenging cleaning job. Perhaps you encountered a particularly stubborn stain that led you to research and develop a new cleaning method. This kind of story humanizes your business and makes your press release more engaging.

Building Media Relationships

While national distribution is powerful, don’t overlook the importance of local media. Use your Cision PR Newswire distribution as a starting point, but also take the time to build relationships with journalists in your area.

Start by identifying the key journalists in your area and industry who cover topics related to your business. Reach out to them, introduce yourself and your company, and offer to be a resource for future stories. Remember, journalists are always looking for good content, and by establishing yourself as a reliable source, you increase your chances of getting coverage.

Maximizing Your Cision PR Newswire Distribution

To get the most out of your PR Newswire distribution, consider these tips:

  1. Time your release strategically: Consider current events and trends when scheduling your release.
  2. Use multimedia: Include images or videos with your release to make it more engaging.
  3. Follow up: After your release goes out, follow up with key journalists who might be interested in your story.
  4. Share on social media: Once your release is live, share it on your social media channels for additional exposure.
  5. Monitor and measure: Keep track of where your release is picked up and measure the impact on your business.

Harnessing the Power of Cision PR Newswire for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you have a powerful story to tell. Cision PR Newswire distribution through eReleases gives you the platform to share that story with a national audience. It’s an opportunity to increase your visibility, attract customers, and position yourself as a leader in your industry.

Remember, you don’t need a big budget to make a big impact. With strategic planning, compelling storytelling, and the right distribution, your small business can achieve PR success that rivals much larger companies.

So, are you ready to take your PR efforts to the next level? Consider leveraging the power of Cision PR Newswire distribution through eReleases. It could be the key to unlocking new opportunities and growth for your small business.