Using Data to Create Newsworthy Press Releases

Data and the Media

In today’s information-driven world, data has become the backbone of compelling stories and newsworthy content. As a business owner or nonprofit leader, you might wonder how to make your press releases stand out in a sea of information.

The answer lies in leveraging data effectively. Let’s dive into how you can use data to create press releases that not only catch journalists’ attention but also provide value to their audience.

Why Data Matters in Press Releases

Journalists love data. It provides concrete evidence to support claims, adds credibility to your story, and gives readers tangible information they can grasp. When you include relevant, timely data in your press releases, you’re not just sharing information – you’re providing journalists with the tools they need to craft engaging stories.

Creating Your Own Data: The Power of Surveys and Studies

One of the most effective ways to generate newsworthy data is by conducting your own surveys or studies. This approach not only provides you with unique, proprietary information but also positions your organization as an authority in your field.

Here’s a success story that illustrates the power of this approach:

I once worked with a small auto repair shop in Pennsylvania. They were struggling to compete with big chain auto shops and wanted to increase their visibility. We decided to conduct a survey about car maintenance habits and knowledge among local drivers.

The survey revealed some surprising data: over 60% of drivers in the area were postponing essential maintenance due to cost concerns, potentially leading to more expensive repairs down the line. We crafted a press release highlighting these findings and offering expert advice on cost-effective preventative maintenance.

We distributed this release through Cision PR Newswire, and the results were impressive. The story was picked up by several local news stations, two major automotive trade publications, and even a national consumer affairs website. This coverage positioned the auto shop owner as a trusted expert in the field.

The impact on the business was significant. In the month following the press release, the shop saw a 40% increase in appointments for preventative maintenance services. They also reported a surge in new customers who mentioned seeing the owner on local news or reading about the survey.

How to Conduct an Effective Survey

When planning your survey, consider these tips:

  1. Focus on timely, relevant questions: Ask about current trends or issues in your industry.
  2. Keep it concise: Aim for about 16 questions, spread over four pages.
  3. Include a mix of questions: Combine industry-specific queries with broader, trend-related questions.
  4. Add an unexpected element: Include one or two questions that might yield surprising results.

Where to Get Data for Your Press Releases

When it comes to finding accurate data for your press releases, there’s a wealth of resources available. The following list represents only a small fraction of potential data sources you can turn to. Remember, the key is to find reputable sources that provide relevant and timely information for your industry and target audience.

Here are 30 places where you can get accurate data for press releases:

  1. U.S. Census Bureau
  2. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  4. World Bank Open Data
  5. Eurostat
  6. Pew Research Center
  7. Statista
  8. Our World in Data
  9. Google Public Data Explorer
  10. United Nations Data
  11. World Health Organization
  12. FiveThirtyEight
  13. Kaggle Datasets
  15. OECD Data
  16. National Center for Education Statistics
  17. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  18. NASA Open Data Portal
  19. European Data Portal
  20. Global Health Data Exchange
  21. International Monetary Fund
  22. Gapminder
  23. World Economic Forum
  24. United Nations Development Programme
  25. The World Factbook (CIA)
  26. Federal Reserve Economic Data
  27. UNICEF Data
  28. Brookings Institution
  29. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  30. Gallup

Other Sources for Quotes

In addition to these specific sources, don’t overlook other valuable resources that might be closer to home. Consider reaching out to:

  • Your local Chamber of Commerce
  • Industry associations and trade groups
  • Academic institutions, specific professors working in your field, and research centers
  • Government agencies at the local, state, and federal levels
  • Professional networks and LinkedIn groups
  • Market research firms
  • Your own company’s internal data and customer insights
  • Reputable news outlets and industry publications
  • Public libraries (many offer access to premium databases)
  • Social media listening tools for trend data

Remember, the most impactful data often comes from a combination of broad, authoritative sources and more specific, industry-focused resources. Always verify the credibility of your sources and cite them appropriately in your press releases.

The Importance of Data Presentation

Success in this strategy is not just about having data – it’s about presenting it effectively. Here are some tips:

  1. Be clear and concise: Present your data in a way that’s easy to understand at a glance.
  2. Use visuals: Consider including charts or infographics to make your data more digestible.
  3. Highlight key findings: Don’t bury the most interesting or surprising data points.
  4. Provide analysis: Don’t just state the numbers – explain what they mean and why they matter.

Crafting a Data-Driven Story

While data is crucial, remember that your press release should tell a story. Use your data to support a narrative that will resonate with journalists and their audience.

For example, let’s say you’re a nonprofit focused on childhood literacy. You could start with a striking statistic: “67% of children in our community don’t have access to age-appropriate books at home.” Then, use this data point to introduce your organization’s mission and recent achievements.

The Power of Localization

When using data in your press releases, consider how you can localize it to make it more relevant to specific media outlets. Journalists are always looking for ways to make national trends relevant to their local audience.

For instance, if you’re referencing national data about homelessness, consider how those numbers compare to your local community, whether those numbers are lower or higher and if possible, explain whey. This approach can make your press release more appealing to local media outlets.

Avoiding Common Data Pitfalls

While data can greatly enhance your press releases, it’s important to use it correctly. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Overloading with numbers: Too much data can be overwhelming. Focus on the most impactful statistics.
  2. Using outdated information: Ensure your data is current and relevant.
  3. Failing to cite sources: Always provide the source of your data to maintain credibility.
  4. Misinterpreting statistics: Be careful not to draw incorrect conclusions from your data.

Real-World Impact: A Case Study

To illustrate the power of data-driven press releases, let me share a success story from a local carpet company in New Jersey. Initially, they were struggling to get any media attention. We at eReleases had sent out five press releases over five months, but none had generated significant earned media coverage.

Then, we decided to take a different approach. We conducted a survey about the carpet installation practices of big box home improvement stores. The data we gathered was eye-opening: many of these stores were using inexperienced installers, leading to poor quality work and customer dissatisfaction.

We crafted a press release around this data, positioning the carpet company as an expert voice in the industry. The release included statistics on the percentage of installations that needed to be redone, the average cost to consumers for these fixes, and quotes from industry experts on the importance of professional installation.

The results were remarkable. About 10 floor trade publications wrote articles based on that single press release. Over the following year, the company was featured in approximately 30 publications, including their local newspaper and New Jersey magazine.

But the impact didn’t stop there. The company used these media clips to create a “brag book” which they showed to potential customers during quotes. This strategy helped them convert 177% more of their quotes into actual jobs.

This case study demonstrates how a well-crafted, data-driven press release can not only generate significant media coverage but also directly impact a company’s bottom line. It shows that when you provide journalists with compelling, newsworthy data, you create opportunities for extensive coverage and position your organization as an industry leader.

Maximizing the Reach of Your Data-Driven Press Release

Once you’ve created a compelling, data-rich press release, it’s crucial to distribute it effectively. Consider using a service like eReleases, which provides affordable access Cision PR Newswire and subsegments from our list of over 1.7 million reporters and editors. This can significantly increase your reach and the likelihood of your press release being seen by relevant journalists.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to have your press release appear on various websites. You want journalists to read your release, be intrigued by your data, and be inspired to write and publish their own original articles about your organization or findings.

Harnessing the Power of Data in Your Press Releases

In today’s data-driven world, incorporating relevant statistics and research findings into your press releases is no longer optional – it’s essential. Whether you’re conducting your own surveys or leveraging existing data, the key is to use information that tells a compelling story and provides value to journalists and their audience.

By following the strategies outlined in this article, you can create press releases that not only catch the eye of journalists but also position your organization as a credible, authoritative voice in your field. Remember, every press release is an opportunity to share your insights, celebrate your impact, and contribute to the broader conversation in your industry.

So, are you ready to harness the power of data in your press releases? With the right approach, your next data-driven press release could be the key to significant media coverage and increased visibility for your organization. Don’t let valuable data go to waste – start incorporating it into your press releases today and watch your media presence grow.