Top 10 PR KPI Metrics Every PR Pro Should Track

What is a KPI Metric?

A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) metric is a number that shows how well a business is doing in reaching its important goals. KPIs help track success over time and give insights into performance. They can differ by industry but usually focus on areas like sales growth, customer happiness, efficiency, and employee performance.

How do KPI Metrics help Improve Public Relations Performance?

KPI metrics help improve public relations performance by providing measurable data that shows how effective your PR efforts are. By tracking indicators like media coverage, share of voice, and engagement rates, PR professionals and company managers can see what strategies work and what needs adjustment. This information allows more informed decisions, optimization of campaigns, and demonstrates the impact of the work and investment in PR to stakeholders.

The 10 Most Important PR KPI Metrics

Here are the top 10 most important KPI metrics to measure your public relations efforts and success. Whether you track all of them or just some, doing so will tell you how you’re doing and help you identify opportunities for improvement.

1. Media Coverage / Active Coverage

The number of times your press release, brand, product, or message is mentioned in various media outlets.

Calculation: Total Media Mentions = Sum of all mentions across all monitored media channels (Use media monitoring tools like Meltwater, Cision, or Google Alerts to gather data)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher numbers indicate greater media presence. Compare to industry benchmarks or previous campaigns.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Develop more newsworthy stories
  • Build stronger relationships with journalists
  • Increase frequency and quality of press releases
  • Target a wider range of relevant media outlets

2. Share of Voice (SoV)

Your brand’s media coverage compared to competitors.

Calculation: SoV = (Your Brand Mentions / Total Industry Mentions) x 100 (Use media monitoring tools to gather mention data for your brand and competitors)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher percentage indicates stronger presence in industry conversations.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Increase frequency of PR activities
  • Focus on unique, standout messaging
  • Target high-impact media outlets
  • Engage in trending industry topics

3. Sentiment Analysis

The tone (positive, neutral, negative) of media coverage and social media mentions.

Calculation: Sentiment Score = (Positive Mentions – Negative Mentions) / Total Mentions (Use sentiment analysis tools or manual coding to categorize mentions)

How to Interpret this Metric: Positive scores indicate favorable perception; negative scores suggest reputation issues.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Address negative coverage promptly
  • Amplify positive stories
  • Train spokespeople in positive messaging
  • Create more uplifting, value-driven content

4. Website Traffic from PR

Number of visitors to your website, especially from PR activities.

Calculation: PR-Driven Traffic = Sum of visitors from media referrals, social media, and PR campaigns (Use web analytics tools like Google Analytics)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher numbers indicate effective PR in driving audience to your site.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Include compelling calls-to-action in PR materials
  • Optimize landing pages for PR campaigns
  • Increase backlinks in media coverage
  • Create PR-specific landing pages

5. Potential Reach / Impressions

The potential number of people exposed to your media coverage.

Calculation: Potential Reach = Sum of audience sizes for all media outlets covering your brand (Use media database tools for outlet audience data)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher numbers indicate broader potential audience exposure.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Target higher-circulation media outlets
  • Increase frequency of media placements
  • Leverage influencers with large followings
  • Optimize timing of PR activities for maximum audience

6. Backlinks from PR

Number of links to your website from media coverage and other PR activities.

Calculation: Total Backlinks = Sum of all links to your site from PR-related sources and content (Use SEO tools like Ahrefs or Moz)

How to Interpret this Metric: More high-quality backlinks indicate stronger SEO impact from PR.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Include relevant links in press releases
  • Create link-worthy content (studies, infographics)
  • Build relationships with high-authority sites
  • Offer exclusive content to encourage linking

7. Key Message Penetration / Relevance Index

How often your key messages appear in media coverage.

Calculation: Message Penetration Rate = (Articles Including Key Message / Total Articles) x 100 (Use media monitoring tools with keyword tracking)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher rates indicate more effective communication of core messages.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Refine and simplify key messages
  • Train spokespeople on consistent messaging
  • Create compelling story angles around key messages
  • Provide journalists with clear, quotable key points

8. Media Impact Score

A composite metric combining various PR performance indicators.

Calculation: Media Impact Score = Weighted sum of metrics like coverage volume, sentiment, reach, and engagement (Use PR analytics platforms or create a custom formula)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher scores indicate stronger overall PR performance.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Identify and focus on improving the component metrics
  • Adjust weightings to align with current PR goals
  • Continuously refine the scoring model
  • Use the score to guide strategic PR decisions

9. Geographical Presence / Coverage by Region

Distribution of media coverage across different geographical areas.

Calculation: Regional Coverage Percentage = (Coverage in Specific Region / Total Coverage) x 100 (Use media monitoring tools with geographical tagging)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher percentages in target regions indicate successful regional PR efforts.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Develop region-specific PR strategies
  • Build relationships with local media outlets
  • Create content tailored to regional interests
  • Participate in regional events and initiatives

10. Most Active/Influential Contributors

Identification of key media outlets or individuals frequently covering your brand.

Calculation: Contribution Score = Weighted sum of factors like coverage frequency, reach, and engagement (Use media monitoring tools and create a custom scoring system)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher scores indicate more valuable media relationships.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Nurture relationships with top contributors
  • Provide exclusive content to key influencers
  • Tailor pitches to contributors’ interests
  • Recognize and appreciate frequent contributors

Secondary Public Relations Metrics

These metrics are considered secondary, not because they’re not important, but because they are more tangential, and many are not as controllable by the PR team.

1. Social Media Engagement

Level of audience interaction with your social media content.

Calculation: Engagement Rate = (Likes + Comments + Shares) / Total Followers x 100 (Use social media analytics tools or platform-specific insights)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher rates indicate more engaging content and active audience.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Create more interactive, shareable content
  • Increase posting frequency
  • Respond to comments promptly
  • Use trending hashtags and topics

2. Social Amplification of Media Coverage

How much your media coverage is shared and discussed on social media.

Calculation: Social Amplification Rate = (Social Shares + Mentions of Coverage) / Total Pieces of Coverage (Use social listening tools and media monitoring platforms)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher rates indicate content that resonates well on social media.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Create more “social-friendly” angles in your PR content
  • Actively share and promote media coverage on your own social channels
  • Engage with users who share your coverage
  • Incorporate multimedia elements that are highly shareable

3. Conversion Rate / Sales Impact

Percentage of PR-driven visitors who take a desired action (e.g., purchase, sign-up).

Calculation: Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Total PR-Driven Traffic) x 100 (Use web analytics and CRM data)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher rates indicate PR efforts are effectively driving business results.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Align PR messaging with sales goals
  • Create targeted campaigns for high-value prospects
  • Optimize landing pages and user journey
  • Use compelling calls-to-action in PR materials

4. Domain Authority

A score predicting how well a website will rank on search engine results pages.

Calculation: Domain Authority = Proprietary score (0-100) calculated by Moz (Use Moz’s Domain Authority tool or similar SEO tools)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher scores indicate better potential to rank in search results.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Increase high-quality backlinks from reputable sites
  • Create more high-quality, linkable content
  • Improve overall website SEO
  • Engage in guest posting on authoritative sites

5. Keyword Position

The ranking of your website for specific search terms related to your PR efforts.

Calculation: Keyword Position = Rank number for each tracked keyword (Use SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to track keyword rankings)

How to Interpret this Metric: Lower numbers (closer to 1) indicate better search visibility for that keyword.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Optimize content for target keywords
  • Create more content around relevant keywords
  • Build quality backlinks to key pages
  • Improve overall website SEO and user experience

6. Email Campaign Engagement

How recipients interact with PR-related email campaigns.

Calculation: Open Rate = (Emails Opened / Emails Delivered) x 100 Click-Through Rate = (Clicks / Emails Delivered) x 100 (Use email marketing platform analytics)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher rates indicate more engaging and relevant email content.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Craft more compelling subject lines
  • Personalize email content
  • Optimize send times
  • Segment your email list for targeted content

7. Subscriber Growth

Increase in number of subscribers to your PR-related communications.

Calculation: Subscriber Growth Rate = ((New Subscribers – Lost Subscribers) / Total Subscribers at Start) x 100 (Track using email platform or CRM data)

How to Interpret this Metric: Positive growth indicates increasing interest in your communications.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Create more valuable, exclusive content for subscribers
  • Promote subscription benefits in PR materials
  • Use lead magnets to encourage sign-ups
  • Optimize subscription process for ease of use

8. Most Engaging Content

Identification of PR content that generates the highest engagement.

Calculation: Content Engagement Score = Weighted sum of metrics like views, shares, comments, and time spent (Use content analytics tools and social media insights)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher scores indicate content that resonates well with your audience.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Analyze top-performing content for common themes
  • Create more content similar to high performers
  • Optimize content distribution strategies
  • Test different content formats and styles

9. Crisis Communications Response Time

Speed at which your organization responds to and manages PR crises.

Calculation: Response Time = Time between crisis onset and official response (Track manually or use crisis management software)

How to Interpret this Metric: Shorter times indicate more efficient crisis management.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Develop and regularly update crisis communication plans
  • Conduct crisis simulation exercises
  • Establish clear communication channels and protocols
  • Train spokespeople for rapid, effective responses

10. Event Promotion Success

Effectiveness of PR efforts in promoting events.

Calculation: Event Success Rate = (Actual Attendees / Target Attendees) x 100 Media Coverage = Number of media mentions about the event (Track manually or use event management software)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher rates and more coverage indicate successful event promotion.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Start promotion earlier and increase frequency
  • Leverage influencers and partners for promotion
  • Create compelling event-specific content
  • Offer exclusive access or content to media

11. Quality of Coverage

Assessment of how prominently and favorably your brand is featured in media coverage.

Calculation: Quality Score = Weighted sum of factors like article placement, tone, message inclusion, and outlet authority (Use media monitoring tools and manual scoring)

How to Interpret this Metric: Higher scores indicate more impactful, favorable coverage.

How to Improve this Metric:

  • Focus on building relationships with key journalists
  • Provide more newsworthy, exclusive content
  • Improve the quality and relevance of press materials
  • Target higher-tier, more authoritative media outlets

Tracking PR KPI Metrics

What gets measured improves.

What gets measured and reported improves exponentially.

By actively tracking the KPI’s listed here, your efforts will become more focused, your results more understood, and your progress documented.