The Ultimate Collection of Press Release Topic Ideas

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Press Release Ideas You already know that a press release can increase your company’s visibility and generate a buzz that can increase sales. What you don’t know is what you should cover in your press releases. Well, I have some good news for you.I’ve come up with the ultimate collection of ideas for press release topics. I’m sure I’ve overlooked a few good ideas, so please leave comments with any suggestions that should be added to this list. Enjoy.

70+ Press Release Ideas

  1. New product or service
  2. New website or significant upgrade to existing website
  3. Involvement with charity work
  4. Making a charitable contribution
  5. Free shipping offer or change to shipping rates
  6. Releasing findings of new study or research
  7. Helpful tips related to your business
  8. News of the weird (e.g. Coffee shop offers exclusive $200 gourmet drink)
  9. Commentary on or tie-ins to current events
  10. Interesting trends
  11. Starting a new sister company
  12. Receiving an award
  13. Being singled out for an accomplishment
  14. Offering free information: ebook, newsletter or white paper
  15. Celebrating an important company anniversary (e.g. 50 years in business)
  16. Opening a new office or relocating your office
  17. Changing the company name
  18. Changing a product name
  19. Signing a large, well-recognized client (make sure you have their permission to publish this)
  20. Announcing a media appearance
  21. Inspirational stories of overcoming major challenges
  22. Hosting a seminar or teleseminar
  23. Sponsoring an event or team
  24. Partnering with another business or organization
  25. Hiring a new executive or changing ownership of the company
  26. Announcing personnel change: retirement, resignation or death
  27. Changing the way your products are made
  28. Changing the prices of your products or services (particularly if you’re reducing prices)
  29. Developing a new technology or unique procedure for your industry
  30. Rebranding your business
  31. Reorganizing your company
  32. Hosting a major contest, sweepstakes or promotion
  33. Making an outrageous claim (be careful not to sound too gimmicky or salesy)
  34. Revealing industry scams
  35. Announcing holiday-related sales and eventsWe’re just about halfway there. Take a breath, maybe refill your coffee, and get ready for…

    35+ more Press Release Topics

  36. Making predictions, forecasts, trends for your industry
  37. Provide expert opinion on important subject within your industry (think sound bites when creating quotes in your announcement)
  38. Publishing findings of a recent report, survey or poll
  39. Filing of a lawsuit
  40. Responding to being named in a lawsuit
  41. New uses for your products
  42. Receiving endorsements from a major celebrity or public figure (make sure you have their permission to publish this)
  43. Offering internship program with local schools
  44. Establishing a scholarship
  45. Hosting a tour of your facilities
  46. New certifications and credentials achieved by your staff
  47. Providing pro bono work
  48. Responding to accusations against your company or industry
  49. Setting a major goal
  50. Launching a referral rewards / affiliate program
  51. Speaking at a conference or event
  52. Providing free consultations or a free sample
  53. Taking major steps to go “green”
  54. Debunking common myths
  55. Taking your company public
  56. Discontinuing a product or service
  57. Filing or Being Awarded a Patent
  58. Merger or acquisition
  59. Celebrating an important milestone (e.g. one millionth customer)
  60. Exhibiting at a trade show
  61. Stock offering
  62. Financial or earnings update
  63. Securing business funding or credit (e.g. VC or angel investment)
  64. Tips sheet or feature story (e.g. Top 10 Valentine Gifts, Effective Tips to Land a Job in 30 Days, Turn That Brown Lawn into a Suburban Oasis)
  65. Book launch or milestone printing
  66. Special package or bundle
  67. Special offer, discount, limited promotion
  68. Taking a national hot button topic and making it personal or local
  69. Exposing a local issue to a national audience for wider implications
  70. Exposing a local issue to a national audience for wider implications
  71. A blindspot within your industry that isn’t being reported on (but may be discussed privately among colleagues or within industry forums/Facebook/LinkedIn groups)
  72. Who is the enemy in your industry? Big-box retailers? State or federal government?
  73. Who is the unsung hero in your industry? Opportunity to sing his or her praises?
  74. Stats that may be of interest to your industry, like your customer online usage of product/service, number of customers who buy on mobile versus desktop, etc.

So far, I have 74 ideas for press release topics. I’d love to make this list even longer. Let us know your ideas!

Press Release Examples

My guess is that, in addition to press release topics and ideas, you probably wouldn’t mind seeing a sample press release. So, I’m going to give you access to some. And, since this is the The Ultimate Collection of Press Release Topic Ideas, I’ve decided to give you the The Ultimate Collection of Sample Press Releases, containing 35+ sample press releases from more than 20 different industries.

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Of course, you could always have us write and distribute your release — starting at just $549.

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This article, written by Mickie Kennedy, originally appeared in PR Fuel (, a free weekly newsletter from eReleases (, the online leader in affordable press release distribution. To subscribe to PR Fuel, visit:

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