13 Ways to Position Yourself as a Trusted Resource

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Letterpress TrustTrust. It’s something you’re always trying to gain … especially in this new online marketplace where customers have a hard time trusting anybody.

With that in mind, you should constantly work to position yourself as someone who can be trusted … someone who others look up to because he knows what he’s talking about. The good news is achieving this is actually easier than you might think.

Here are 13 ways you can position yourself as a trusted resource. Please add your own tips to this list by leaving a comment.

1.     Article marketing still worksA lot of people are quick to write off article marketing as an outdated technique that doesn’t work anymore. I disagree. I think article marketing still works, and it offers many benefits. One of these benefits is that it increases your authority, helping you appear as an industry expert. Of course, the key is to write thoughtful, well-composed articles.

2.     Start your own blog – Millions of people read blogs every day. Blogs have become the main source of news and information for many people. If you don’t have a blog already, get one started up. Focus on writing unique content that draws readers in. In other words, don’t be a “me too” blogger.

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3.     Guest post on other blogs – Guest blogging acts as an endorsement from the other blogger. If they’re allowing you to post on their blog and to interact with their readers, they’re showing their faith in you because they believe you have something special to offer. Follow these tips for getting more guest blogging opportunities.

4.     Submit articles to industry publications – It’s one thing to publish articles to online directories, but it’s a whole other thing to get an article picked up in a magazine or trade journal. There’s just something about getting print coverage that really adds authority and credibility to your name.

5.     Get media coverage – Getting covered in the newspaper, on TV, or on the radio increases your exposure and positions you as a trusted resource in your niche. Press release distribution is the first step to getting good media coverage. I also recommend signing up for HARO, a daily newsletter with reporters looking for expert sources.

6.     Host a teleseminar – A teleseminar is basically an hour-long presentation given online. The speakers at these online seminars are usually accomplished industry experts who have something to teach the audience. Host your own teleseminar to build your authority.

7.     Offer a whitepaper or eBook – Not only does offering a free whitepaper or eBook download on your website allow you to highlight your expertise, but it also is helpful for building your email list. Ask for email addresses in exchange for the giveaway, and you can build a solid list for effective email marketing.

8.     Publish testimonialsTestimonials are unbiased, third party endorsements that let the world know you really do deliver on all your claims. Multiple case studies have shown that online customers are more likely to make a purchase when a company has testimonials on their website.

9.     Start podcasting – Podcasting allows you to reach an entirely new audience … and audience that wouldn’t normally read your blog. Check out all these top reasons you should be podcasting.

10.  Create a group – There are online groups for every topic imaginable. Start up a group for your subject of interest on Yahoo or LinkedIn. Just make sure if you actually create a group that you have the time to commit to interacting and moderating on it.

11.  Post your certifications and awards – Do you hold any special certifications that verify you’re an expert in your field? What about awards: have you been granted any special honors? If so, post these on your website. Let your customers know about them. They’ll trust you a lot more.

12.  Do your own studies – Release a report on an industry trend or surprising fact that nobody knows about. Doing your own studies can be time-consuming, but it can do a lot for positioning you as a trusted resource.

13. Teach a class – Distance education has become increasingly popular over the past few years. There are online classes for every subject you can think of. Consider teaching a class in your subject of expertise.

Help me make this list better. Leave a comment with your tips for positioning yourself as a trusted resource in your industry.

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab your free copy of the Big Press Release Book – Press Releases for Every Occasion and Industry here: https://www.ereleases.com/free-offer/big-press-release-samples-book/

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