Hiring the right new person to be on your team can change the world for a company and those they serve. Plus, this can be a newsworthy item that can generate media attention for your company.
The best way to let the media know that you just hired a key new employee is by writing and distributing a press release to announce it.
In this article, I’ll:
For any new hire press release to be successful you need to:
Any media outlet and journalist gets hit by dozens (oftentimes hundreds) of potential story ideas every single day. How do they choose which ones to cover?
Their goal is to inform, and (depending on the publication and/or their role in that publication) entertain, and motivate their audience.
Therefore, most stories announcing that you just hired someone new will be greeted with a yawn and a click sending it to the trash.
Let’s face it, most of the time, the fact that you hired someone new really isn’t breaking news. But it can be if you identify some new aspect of that story that does make it newsworthy.
Examples of newsworthy angles for a new hire include:
If you are hiring them to oversee construction of your new factory that will double employment in your community, that’s a news story. If they are leading your expansion into Asia, potentially reversing trade deficits, that can be newsworthy, etc.
If you just hired someone from a position that everyone would recognize, like a former politician, military leader, famous trial lawyer, university leader (president, dean), or your biggest competitor, that can be newsworthy.
Did this person create a billion-dollar brand that everyone would recognize? Did they lead the sales force at a big company? Did they write a bestselling book? Did they win an Olympic gold medal or were they a big star in college sports? Those can be newsworthy.
Are they replacing someone who built the company from the ground up and is now retiring? Are they replacing someone who was respected in the community and just passed away? Those can be newsworthy angles.
Get the news angle into your story, and you’re much more likely to get it covered.
Most people who don’t frequently write press releases don’t recognize that there is a formula for writing one. Journalists expect press releases to follow that formula because it’s the most efficient way to give them the information they need to decide whether to cover the story and to communicate the key information they need to start writing that story.
That’s why I’m providing you a template and format guide to help you prepare your press release the “right way.”
The first step is to download a copy of our free press release template, which will make everything easier. Here’s a free press release template in Microsoft Word format. (No opt-in or email address required.)
And here’s a press release template in Google Docs format.
Here are some guidelines for writing a press release that will effectively communicate your message:
In addition to these general guidelines, we have created a complete, step-by-step guide to each aspect of writing a press release, including:
Life is so much easier when you have a great model you can follow, right? So, to make it easier for you, here are a bunch of examples of new hire press releases others have successfully used:
Chief Marketing Offer new hire
Increasing tech capability with key new hire
Once your press release is finished, your work is done, right?
Nope. Now comes the part that really makes a difference – distributing it to the right journalists, industry reporters (who, by the way, should be prime targets for any new hire press release) bloggers, and influencers who may want to cover your story.
But how do you get to those people?
You could spend a ton of time and money gathering the personal contact information for everyone who should receive your release. But:
How do we know all this? This is what we do for a living, and it’s lots harder than it looks.
Wouldn’t it just be simpler, and way more effective, to let the leading distributor of press releases for small businesses send out your press releases?
Here are just a few of the reasons why you should use eReleases to distribute all your press releases:
That’s just the start – learn more about why you should use eReleases to distribute your press releases (and to get a first-time customer discount) here.
Finally, here are some tips and training to help you write an amazing press release: