Automotive Industry Press Release Example

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Are you in the automotive industry and want to create a press release for your company, cause, or organization? You’re in the right place!

Automotive Industry Press Release Info Center

Table of Contents

This page is part of a larger collection of press release examples.

11 Press Release Examples for Automotive Companies


Female Bullhorn

10 More Automotive Industry Press Release Examples:

Automotive parts vendor new product release 

New product announcement 

Automotive trends report

Automotive industry analysis release 

Dealership group financial report release

Another financial report release 

Automotive award announcement|

New hire announcement 

Dealer acquisition announcement 

Sales forecast release

The Automotive Industry Marketers Guide to Writing and Distributing Press Releases

Resources to help you write an amazing press release and distribute it to the right people to get publicity for your company, cause, or announcement.

What to Write a Press Release About – Automotive and Auto Parts Manufacturers and Marketers

Need ideas for topics an automotive manufacturer or manufacturer of auto parts and accessories could write a press release about? Here are 30 ideas to get you started:

  1. New Product Launch: Announce the release of a new automotive part or product, emphasizing its features, benefits, and applications.
  2. Safety Feature Enhancements: Highlight advancements or improvements in the safety features of your products or vehicles.
  3. Eco-friendly Product Line: Announce a new line of environmentally friendly parts or products, emphasizing their sustainability and benefits.
  4. Production Milestone: Celebrate a significant production milestone, such as the millionth unit of a particular product or vehicle.
  5. R&D Breakthroughs: Share advancements made in research and development, highlighting how they will impact future products.
  6. Product Recall: Announce any product recalls, clearly outlining the issue, affected products, and steps customers need to take.
  7. Patent Approval: Announce the approval of a patent for a new technology or part, discussing its potential applications and benefits.
  8. Industry Award: Share news of an industry award your company or a specific product has received.
  9. Facility Expansion: Announce the expansion of your manufacturing or distribution facilities, detailing what this means for product availability and employment opportunities.
  10. Workforce Training: Discuss new training or education programs being implemented to improve your workforce’s skills or expertise.
  11. Acquisition or Merger: Announce a merger or acquisition, discussing how it will strengthen your company’s position and product offerings.
  12. Strategic Partnership: Announce a partnership with another company or organization that will help enhance your products or reach.
  13. Employee Recognition: Highlight a standout employee or team, focusing on their contributions to the company or a specific project.
  14. Supply Chain Improvements: Share how improvements in the supply chain will impact product availability, costs, or quality.
  15. Technological Innovations: Announce new technological innovations that enhance the quality, safety, or performance of your products.
  16. Material Advancements: Discuss new materials being used in your products and their benefits, such as increased durability or reduced weight.
  17. Exporting Milestone: Celebrate reaching a significant exporting milestone, such as expanding into a new international market.
  18. Corporate Responsibility Efforts: Share your company’s efforts towards corporate responsibility, such as charitable donations, community initiatives, or environmental efforts.
  19. Product Testing Results: Discuss results from product testing, emphasizing how they demonstrate the quality or safety of your products.
  20. Investment Announcement: Announce new investments into your company or a specific project, discussing what this funding will be used for.
  21. Autonomous Vehicle Technology: Announce advancements in autonomous vehicle technology, such as parts or systems your company is developing or manufacturing.
  22. New Manufacturing Techniques: Share how new manufacturing techniques or machinery are improving your production process and products.
  23. Joint Venture: Announce a joint venture with another company, discussing how the collaboration will benefit both companies and the products being developed.
  24. Market Analysis: Share insights from a market analysis that show a growing demand for your products or highlight industry trends your company is capitalizing on.
  25. Executive Appointment: Announce the appointment of a new executive or key team member, discussing their background and what they bring to the company.
  26. Product Endorsements: Share endorsements or testimonials from well-known figures or industry experts praising your products.
  27. Innovative Design: Highlight the innovative design aspects of your new product that set it apart from competitors.
  28. Logistics Partnership: Announce a new logistics partnership that will improve the distribution or delivery of your products.
  29. Financial Results: Share your company’s financial results, discussing what they mean for the company’s future and product development.
  30. Product Line Extension: Announce the extension of a product line, including new additions and improvements to existing products.

What to Write a Press Release About – Automotive Dealers, Repair Shops, and Automotive Parts Retailers

Need ideas for topics an automotive dealer, repair shop, or automotive parts retailer could write a press release about? Here are 30 ideas to get you started:

  1. New Dealership Opening: Announce the launch of a new dealership or shop, highlighting location, specialties, and opening events.
  2. Introducing New Vehicle Models: Unveil the arrival of a new vehicle model at your dealership, emphasizing its unique features and benefits for customers.
  3. Grand Re-Opening: Detail the re-opening of a dealership or shop after a major renovation or relocation.
  4. Launch of Online Sales Platform: Introduce a new online sales platform that enhances customer convenience and streamlines the buying process.
  5. Community Outreach Initiatives: Share about community service events or local partnerships your dealership or shop is involved in.
  6. Advanced Diagnostics Services: Announce the introduction of advanced diagnostics tools and services for better vehicle maintenance.
  7. Hosting a Charity Event: Notify the media and the public about a charity event or community cause that your dealership or repair shop is hosting.
  8. Seasonal Vehicle Maintenance Tips: Share advice on seasonal vehicle care, introducing related services or promotions at your dealership or shop.
  9. Employee Achievements: Highlight an employee’s notable accomplishment or milestone, like a significant work anniversary or professional certification.
  10. Special Promotions: Announce special promotions, like discounts on specific vehicle models or services, limited-time offers, or holiday sales.
  11. Customer Appreciation Day: Notify the public about a customer appreciation event, offering special deals or services as a thank you to loyal customers.
  12. Innovative Payment Options: Introduce new payment or financing options to make purchasing or servicing vehicles more affordable and convenient.
  13. Used Vehicle Certification: Announce a new certification program that guarantees the quality and reliability of used cars sold at your dealership.
  14. Partnership with Vehicle Brands: Announce new or enhanced partnerships with vehicle manufacturers that benefit customers.
  15. Award Recognition: Share any industry or local awards your dealership or shop has won, such as best customer service or top sales.
  16. Safety Precautions for Customers: Share the steps your dealership or repair shop is taking to ensure customer and employee safety.
  17. Extended Service Hours: Announce extended service hours or the introduction of weekend services at your repair shop.
  18. Introduction of Electric Vehicles: Announce the addition of electric or hybrid vehicles to your dealership, emphasizing the benefits of sustainable transportation.
  19. Trade-In Programs: Promote a new or existing trade-in program, highlighting its benefits for customers looking to upgrade their vehicles.
  20. Apprenticeship Program: Share information about an apprenticeship program to train future mechanics and automotive professionals.
  21. Expansion of Service Offerings: Introduce new services at your repair shop, like specialized detailing, restoration, or custom modifications.
  22. Customer Loyalty Program: Announce a new loyalty program with special perks and rewards for returning customers.
  23. Free Workshop or Webinar: Invite customers to a free workshop or webinar on vehicle maintenance, safe driving, or another relevant topic.
  24. Collaboration with Local Schools: Share about collaboration with local schools or educational institutions for automotive education or internship programs.
  25. Express Service Launch: Announce the launch of an express service option for quicker, more convenient vehicle repairs or maintenance.
  26. Virtual Showroom Experience: Introduce a virtual showroom experience allowing customers to explore vehicles from the comfort of their homes.
  27. Fleet Maintenance Contract: Announce a significant fleet maintenance contract with a local business or government entity.
  28. Energy-Efficient Facilities: Share your initiatives in making your facilities more energy-efficient, such as installing solar panels or LED lighting.
  29. Celebrating a Company Anniversary: Celebrate a significant company anniversary, reflecting on the company’s history and future plans.
  30. Test Drive Events: Announce a test drive event where customers can try out the latest vehicle models.

How to Write a Results-Generating Press Release for Automotive Companies or Retailers

  1. Downloading this Free Press Release Template

  2. The first step in writing a press release is to set your press release up properly. 

    Get this free press release template formatted for Microsoft Word

    Or, if you prefer, try this press release template in Google Docs

  3. Read our free press release creation training program, showing you exactly how to: 

  4. Learn how to write frequently-written press release types:

  5. Let us write your press releases for you

Are you uncomfortable writing your own press release? We totally understand. That’s why we offer professional press release writing services for as little as $300. Learn more about our professional, affordable press release writing services here.

Don’t Forget – You Need To Distribute Your Press Release to the Right People

Even the best press release is useless unless the right people receive it! That’s our specialty – custom distributing press releases to the reporters, editors, bloggers, and influencers most likely to pick up and publish your press release, or even better, to write their own story about you. Learn more about our press release distribution services here.

Want more example press releases? I’m happy to help…

What Are You Announcing? Examples and Templates by Type of Press Release

  1. Launching a New Product
  2. Launching a Product Improvement
  3. An Event
  4. A Grand Opening
  5. Achievement of a Major Milestone
  6. Receipt of an Award or Recognition
  7. A New Hire or Promotion
  8. Dealing With a Crisis
  9. A Partnership With Another Organization
  10. An Acquisition or Merger
  11. Social Cause Activities
  12. Release of a New Book
  13. Political Campaign Activities
  14. Music-Related Announcement
  15. School/University Announcements
  16. Media, Network, and Local Station Announcements
  17. Nonprofit Announcements
  18. Announce an Art Exhibition
  19. Press Release for a Movie

Press Release Examples Across Several Industries

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real estate iconReal Estate Press Release Examplesretailing iconRetailing Press Release Examples
seniors iconSeniors Press Release Examplessoftware iconSoftware Press Release Examples
sports iconSports Press Release Examplestransportation iconTransportation & Trucking Press Release Examples
travel iconTravel Press Release Examples
writing press releases stress you out

Finally, here are some tips and training to help you write an amazing press release:

Additional Press Release Resources

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