What do you guarantee?

We guarantee your press release will receive a custom national distribution over Cision PR Newswire. For all of our clients, this includes a WireWatch™ report with links to the press release posted on as many as 200 media websites (see WireWatch™ for details).

Unfortunately, we cannot p… Read more

I see you’re a Cision PR Newswire partner. Why do the major newswires, including Business Wire, charge more for national distribution than you? What am I missing by going with you?

While we are a Cision PR Newswire partner, we are not simply a reseller. eReleases features a robust distribution of its own, which you will receive through our PR Pro distribution (unless selected a la carte). We are designed to provide a comprehensive national U.S. distribution of your press release th… Read more

Do you have a comparison of your different press release distribution options and prices?

Yes! click here to view eReleases’ three press release distribution services compared to each other.… Read more

What is the difference between eReleases and its web based competitors like XYZ Web, etc.?

eReleases distributes press releases using three mechanisms:

    1. email submission directly to subscribing journalists, where applicable.
    2. posting on websites, making them available to search engines and social media.
    3. distribution on the major newswire for press releases, Cision PR Newswire,
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Why are eReleases’ prices higher than PR Newswire’s PRWeb (formerly iReach service)? [VIDEO]

Very simply, PRWeb/iReach is cheaper because it only reaches online news websites. Unlike eReleases, PRWeb doesn’t distribute your release to the millions of other journalists who work for non-online media.

PR Newswire/Cision owns a web-only press release service (PRWeb, formerly iReach) in addit… Read more

What makes your press release services different from your competitors? [VIDEO]

We never charge a membership fee. Unlike other press release services, we have no hidden charges. Our low prices stay low.

Our low price includes a custom national press release distribution through both Cision PR Newswire and the Associated Press (AP) Newswire for all of our customers. Also, Cision PR N… Read more