5 Tips for Identifying Your Unique Selling Point

unique_appleOne of the things we talk about quite often on here is how important it is to be different. You need to have a different message … a different brand that your target audience can connect to. After all, if you’re no different than anyone else in your industry, why should customers do business with … Read more

5 Ways to Determine Whether Your Story is Newsworthy

Man Reading NewspaperYou slaved for hours crafting the most informative, beautifully written, and concise press release to ever cross an editor’s desk.

But you wait, and wait, and still receive no calls from journalists or bloggers. You follow up with the newsroom and editors give you the brush off.

You followed all th… Read more

Is it Time to Fire Your PR Agency?

Kicking out - firingWhen’s the last time you graded your PR firm? If it’s been a while, the time to reassess their performance is now. See, too many companies blindly trust their PR agency to always do the right thing for their business. They assume the PR people are the pros, so they give them all the room they need t… Read more

4 Signs Your Brand is Outdated

brandBranding is something that a lot of companies seem to take the “set it and forget it” approach with. But times are always changing. Your business is changing, your customers are changing, and the way you communicate with one another is changing too. With that in mind, it only makes sense that y… Read more

Choosing the Target Audience for Your PR Campaign

targetImagine your client is an opera singer who has been lauded for excelling at a challenging role. Right now she’s only famous inside her native country, but she has hired you to elevate her to worldwide fame. Or perhaps your company’s India branch has been accused of labor violations, and it… Read more

5 Steps for Creating a Public Relations Strategy

Performing public relations services for a new company or a company that has never before seen the spotlight can be an exciting, not to mention somewhat daunting, enterprise.  Will the company become a media darling? Will a concerted PR effort result in floods of public good will? Before you start counti… Read more

PR Measurement Tips to Grade Your Campaign’s Performance

Is your PR campaign actually working? Do you even know the answer? Have you or your PR agency been tracking the results? … Read more

Build a Stronger Relationship Between PR and Journalism

It’s become a public relations mantra: build relationships with reporters. But journalists don’t want relationships. They deal with dozens of contacts and demanding deadlines each day; they don’t have the time or energy to “do lunch,” especially with public relati… Read more