A Simple Guide to Asking the Media to Run a Correction

You Can Ask for a Correction

Congratulations! Your company got some media coverage. Maybe you’re featured on a popular industry blog, or maybe you even got your story in print in your local newspaper or in a magazine. But wait a second. What’s that? Did they spell your name wrong? Or wait … did they really get … Read more

Choosing the Right Brand Ambassadors

If you want to take your brand to the next level and really connect with the public, then you need a brand ambassador. Someone to relay your message to your target audience and drive them towards customer loyalty. But how do you go about choosing these spokespeople?

Well, what we often see with larger corpor… Read more

5 Ways to Make Sure Your Press Releases Get Found

In ye olden days, press releases were only sent directly to reporters, and if the reporters weren’t interested in your press release, they would never share it with the public and it would never see the light of day. That was it. You had to accept rejection and try, try again.

But that was then and this is now. T… Read more

How to Monitor the Web for Brand Mentions

Online reputation management is essential. Almost everyone is involved in social media these days. Your customers are all over Facebook, Twitter, blogs, review websites, message boards…you name it. And in some cases, they might be talking about your company.

It’s vital that you take a proactive appro… Read more

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching a New PR Campaign

The success or failure of your new PR campaign hinges on asking the right questions before you take action. If you spring into action without taking the time to plan carefully, you’re not going to achieve the level of results you hope for.

Here are 5 simple questions to ask yourself to make sure you’re on the r… Read more

How to Build a Strong Media List to Maximize Your Coverage

It’s pretty simple really. It doesn’t matter how great your story is; if you don’t have anyone in the media to pitch it to, your news will be dead in the water. It’s all in the list, and with the right media list, you could land coverage on blogs, newspapers, business magazines, podcasts, and much more. Of cour… Read more

5 Good Reasons to Consider Repositioning Your Brand

BrandIn the early 1950s, Marlboro had a problem. The company that was, at the time, known for selling “Mild as May” woman’s cigarettes had low sales due to studies linking lung cancer to smoking. They needed to do something to spike sales and reach a new audience. Men wanted to smoke filtered … Read more

4 Tips for Launching an International PR Campaign

international_flagsYou’re the owner of a widget factory and you think that your products are perfect for the people of Canada, Central America, the Amazon Basin, Sub-Saharan Africa or perhaps the entire Indian subcontinent. You’re ready to take on the world, but how do you make sure the world doesn’t tak… Read more

How to Prepare for Your Television Appearance

Microphones At Press ConferenceA strange thing happened during the 1960 presidential debates between candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. People who saw the debates on TV thought that the young and handsome Kennedy won, while people who heard the same debates on the radio thought that Nixon had won. Why? … Read more

How to Write Press Release Leads

businesswoman_writingThere’s nothing more disappointing than announcing your great news to the world through a press release only to wait by a phone that doesn’t ring or an email inbox that remains forlornly empty. Your story was newsworthy! Why did no one care? Well, guess what. Sometimes it’s not your ne… Read more