Haters Gonna Hate: How to Let It Go

There’s always somebody. No matter how well you think you’re doing, there’s always the one person who comes onto your Facebook page or sends you an email telling you just how much you suck. Everything you’ve done up to this point in your life is wrong and your business will close its doors in a matter of hours…… Read more

5 Writing Tips for Adding Life to Your Press Release

Let’s be honest: people often don’t consider press releases to be the most interesting pieces to read. They’re all about giving the facts of a story in a quick and concise manner. Most press releases stick to the same old template and are loaded with buzzwords and corporate speak. Zzzzzz …

However, that’s n… Read more

Benefits of Outsourcing Press Release Writing

Thinking about starting to use press releases as a way to get media coverage? Or perhaps you want to use them for search engine optimization purposes? Either way, we all know how useful they can be. But the thing about them is this: someone has to write them.

Now, that someone could be you, but you also h… Read more

How to Prepare Your PR for a Product Launch

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gsfc/4407302601/The walls of your office building can barely contain your team’s excitement: it’s almost time for launch! The product has been perfected, the website is ready to go at midnight – everything seems like it’s in place.

Unfortunately, your team has made one glaring error. You’ve forgotten to think about and p… Read more

How to Evaluate a Press Release Writer

PR graduates who know how to pump out a press release are a dime a dozen. However, you’re looking for GOOD press releases and don’t want to get something that looks like it was done via a form. How do you filter out the rest and hire the best? Let’s take a look at some ways you can evaluate your potential press releRead more

Will Google Panda Kill Free Press Release Directories?

By now, you’ve probably heard a little something about the Google Panda update. In short, this Google algorithm update is designed to reduce the value of duplicate content, low quality content, and low grade links from content farms.

After the update was initiated, a lot of websites who relied on link bui… Read more

The 6 Worst Press Release Headline Mistakes You Can Make

Writing a great press release headline is one of the most important things you need to do to get your announcement read. A great headline entices the reader and invites them to check out your story. It tells them to keep reading.

Having said that, anybody who has been in this business for more than a few minute… Read more

Cut the Crust Off Your PR Sandwich

Remember when you were a kid and mom would make you a PB&J for lunch? You would always eat the insides of the sandwich (cut into triangles, of course!) and leave all the crust on the plate. When your mom would ask why you didn’t eat the entire sandwich, you’d say “I did!” You never knew why you didn’t like the … Read more

Do You Understand the Real Purpose of Press Releases?

We spend a lot of time on this blog discussing tips for writing better press releases and interacting with reporters more effectively, but I think it’s important that we take a step back and remind ourselves what the true purpose of the press release is. Thanks to online press release distribution website… Read more

What Should Be in Your Press Release’s Company Boilerplate? (+ Examples)

Boilerplates In Press Releases

Boilerplates in press releases are one of the most important elements of a press release and one of the best things you can do to communicate the key information that needs to be provided in every press release.

What is a Boilerplate in a Press Release

A “boilerplate” is basic… Read more