Employees – Hiring, Training, Leading – is this Boring Or…?

Below are some thoughts on employees, and the “boring” work of creating a business that succeeds with both engaged customers and employees – enjoy!

Hiring the Right Customer Service Agents to Represent Your Brand

Your customer service agents are your front line employees. These ar… Read more

Email – Forgotten Communication Powerhouse

Boring old email – like the press release, many pundits have declared it dead…I beg to differ! It is true that other modes of communication, like texting, instant messaging, Twitter, etc., have proliferated. And it’s true that email “open rates” have declined.

But her… Read more

PR Basics Based on Principles will Never Change

In this modern world where change seems to be ever-accelerating, it is very easy to be distracted by some new PR technique or fad. While it’s vital to keep up with the times, don’t allow yourself to be overly distracted by any practice that is not backed up by common sense communication princip… Read more

Press Release Errors that will Doom Your News to Failure

I’ve written about press release errors to avoid – below are more PR failures that are all too common:

3 Times When You Shouldn’t Write a Press Release

Here on the PR Fuel blog, we spend a lot of time offering tips for press release writing, covering everything from how to hook editors with strRead more

Avoid these Fatal Press Release Errors

I’ve maintained for years that most press releases simply go nowhere, but this fate is completely avoidable. Below you can review the main reasons press releases fail, some horror-show headlines, and a great example of a headline makeover!

Why Most Press Releases Don’t Matter

Inject any reporte… Read more

Improving Your Press Releases – It’s This Simple?

Yes, you can greatly improve your press releases, it’s simple to get more media coverage and engagement. I didn’t say easy, it surely takes work and focus. But the basic principles of great PR are simple, because they’re based on common sense. Here are some great tips, thoughts about b… Read more

Press Release, SEO, and Google’s Ever-Changing Search Algorithm

Press Releases for SEO

Can writing and distributing a press release improve your SEO?

Yes it can, but only if you write it correctly and don’t try to use it to game the SEO results.

Here are the key mistakes that people are using when they are trying to use press releases for SEO:

  1. Writing press releases purely t
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How to Write a Press Release that Gets Journalists’ Attention

Want to get journalists inquiries and responses with your press release? You should do the following:

  • Plan the release with a written outline.
  • Craft a great headline.
  • Write the release first, edit it later.
  • Keep the release looking good with solid writing and formatting.
  • Edit, edit, edit.
  • Proofread.
  • As
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Tell Your Story Like You Speak, Keep Pitching, and Earn Media Coverage

PR success is really pretty simple. I did not say “easy”… because most people don’t commit to the discipline. Below we quickly cover these elements which lead to PR success:

  • Make your news a story
  • Tell your story simply and naturally
  • Keep trying, learning each time
  • Accept that m
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Incredibly Common Reasons Most Press Releases Don’t Make It

Public relations is a fast paced world not for the faint of heart. Before you start email blasting press releases and spinning molehills into mountains, consult this list of the 6 most common PR mistakes:

No Guiding PR Strategy – This point is first for a reason. All these other mistakes can be forgiven and f… Read more