Blog commenting can be an effective PR and marketing technique that offers a wide range of benefits when done properly. Effective blog commenting can help you:… Read more
Any time you send out a press release, you should have a specific goal you’re working toward. If you don’t have goals, your press release distribution will be aimless and ineffective, and you’ll never be able to effectively measure your results because you h… Read more
I’m a firm believer in studying the mistakes made by other PR campaigns so you can avoid making them yourself. Forget learning from your own mistakes. That’s too costly. The goal should be to let other people make the mistakes, you learn from them, and you never make mistakes at all. … Read more
Imagine your client is an opera singer who has been lauded for excelling at a challenging role. Right now she’s only famous inside her native country, but she has hired you to elevate her to worldwide fame. Or perhaps your company’s India branch has been accused of labor violations, and it… Read more
What makes some PR campaigns successful while others are flops? While there are a lot of variables in every PR campaign, I’ve come to realize that the most successful campaigns share 4 things in common.… Read more
Is your PR campaign actually working? Do you even know the answer? Have you or your PR agency been tracking the results?
PR measurement is essential to grading the performance of your campaign. Unfortunately, not all PR professionals measure their campaigns, and of those that do, there’s not real… Read more
I have seen press releases generate tens of millions of dollars in publicity $449 at a time. If you don’t believe me, just visit:
Why didn’t your press release do the same? The likely answer is that you gave up, perhaps even after a single press rele… Read more
I promote the importance of press releases because they are the great equalizer. A small company, or even an individual, has as much chance of getting media attention as a big, well-financed company. Sure, the big company might be able to afford its own public relations department as well as coordinate wi… Read more
It’s time for another dip into the PR Fuel mailbag. This time we answer some questions from PR Fuel readers, including public relations professionals, who are dealing with some serious issues: a threatening ex-employee, a shaky merger, a recalcitrant journalist, and a strange resume request. A… Read more
Every public relations professional dreams of developing a campaign that puts his or her company’s tag line on the lips of the entire world. However, the tried and true rules of continuity, consistency, and even practicality don’t always apply when it comes to international or cross-cult… Read more