5 Advices for Small Business Growth in the Industry

Ensuring the growth of your small business is imperative to its success. You can’t expect greatness if you don’t constantly work on improving your entire business and that cannot be done without certain things. For starters, you need a great marketing campaign that will bring in new customers. You’ll al… Read more

How to Promote Your Content Marketing with Press Releases

What are the best practices for content promotion? Obviously, we include social media sharing, SEO, digital advertising, as well as cross promotion across websites, social media pages, and through email. These are all great ways to get the word out about the valuable content that you have to offer. Howe… Read more

Unethical Business Practices – The Effects They Can Have On Your Company

Unethical Business Practices

Unethical business practices and ethical misconduct in any company can lead to very serious consequences which can cause the company time and money in trying to repair their business reputation and any legal issues that may arise depending on the severity of the situation… Read more

How to Get Better Media Coverage for Your Release

Anyone familiar with marketing their business will recognize that frustrating moment when they wish someone would pay attention to their press release. Sometimes the lack of attention is attributed to something as simple as not having an attention grabbing headline or focusing on the wrong media outl… Read more

Yes, It IS Possible to Sell a Service on Instagram

old vintage camera closeup on wooden backgroundPerhaps you have never considered Instagram for your business. If you are an accountant or an attorney, maybe you didn’t think your line of work was creative enough. Now it might take a little more work, but you can definitely sell your skills and services on Instagram.

Instagram, like Pinterest, Faceboo… Read more

7 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Small Business Owners

As the owner of a small business, you are probably already aware that social media can be a great asset and a huge liability. We have heard countless times that in order to move business forward, engage customers, and drive sales we must be using social media. After you move to incorporate social media into y… Read more

The Art of Storytelling on Social Media

Large group of friends at a party get together house drinking beer chatting storytelling gossipingIt is often repeated that social media is all about connecting with your audience on a personal level. Businesses are encouraged to share relatable content that visitors can find value in, but what does that even mean really? What divides content from great content and how does a business get there?… Read more

7 Reasons Why a Press Release Distribution Service Is Important

media distribution

Imagine you’re a successful, seven-figure business owner. You spend your days working on your business and managing your team of employees.

It sounds like a dream life, but it takes work to get there. From marketing and sales to press release distribution, you need to build your business first.

Ke… Read more

17 Experts Respond to Your Email Marketing 9-1-1

According to the Direct Marketing Association, each penny you invest in email marketing will eventually yield an ROI of 4300%, and Gigaom Research has found that marketers consistently rank email as the single most effective medium for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention.

Despite so m… Read more

14 Expert Tips for Improving Facebook Engagement and ROI

Scott AyresIf you do any kind of marketing on Facebook at all, here’s a complaint you’re sure to have heard (or even made yourself):

“Nobody’s engaging with my posts anymore. It’s like I’m invisible.”

Indeed, sometimes it seems like it’s Zuckerberg’s w… Read more