Boring old email – like the press release, many pundits have declared it dead…I beg to differ! It is true that other modes of communication, like texting, instant messaging, Twitter, etc., have proliferated. And it’s true that email “open rates” have declined.
But her… Read more
In this modern world where change seems to be ever-accelerating, it is very easy to be distracted by some new PR technique or fad. While it’s vital to keep up with the times, don’t allow yourself to be overly distracted by any practice that is not backed up by common sense communication princip… Read more
Press Releases for SEO
Can writing and distributing a press release improve your SEO?
Yes it can, but only if you write it correctly and don’t try to use it to game the SEO results.
Here are the key mistakes that people are using when they are trying to use press releases for SEO:
There are many different formats you can use when writing your press release. The type of story you’re sharing often dictates which format makes the most sense. However, there’s one format I like to use whenever possible because it just seems to work – the list press release.
One of the most tried and … Read more
“There is not enough time in the day.” How often have you said that to yourself? If you are anything like me, it’s pretty often. Between work commitments, time for family and friends, and all those other necessary things, we are usually in a time crunch. Your marketing efforts should not be one of the things p… Read more
As more and more companies turn to content marketing to reach new clients, the time has come for existing marketing plans to get reworked in order to stay ahead of the competition. Creating an action plan for your marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it could be as short as one page. A simple act… Read more
Have you been wondering what to offer your customers on your website? What content would make them stay just a bit longer on your site? There are plenty of types of free content out there and the answer to these questions really depends on your audience. You know them best and could determine whether they mig… Read more
Ahh! Nothing like the New Year to get the creative juices flowing and to blow the dust off the old website. You might have been keeping a list of things you’d like to incorporate into your new site, if you ever got around to updating it. Or you might have seen some other websites and noticed how clean and well-de… Read more
Have you ever wondered just how much good your social media marketing was doing for your business? You put all this effort into crafting the perfect post or tweet and then pay to turn it into an ad, but you aren’t really sure whether all the time and money are paying off in the long run. This is why a good social me… Read more
Have some news about your company? Do you have a new product coming out? What about some new services? You might be thinking that now is a great time to write a press release about the goings-on at your place of business. However, not all news requires a press release and more often than not, your news doesn’t w… Read more