The Pros and Cons of Giving An Exclusive

Exclusive! The very word can send waves of excitement through the most hard-nosed reporter. Something about getting a scoop nobody else has, knowing something nobody else knows, possibly before it blows up and you can claim you were there FIRST – what a rush.< But there’s an unforeseen dark side to giving out an exclusive news story, one you may not have accounted for. While it can excite and titillate the masses, you may end up isolating yourself a little too much. G+

For an example of something “exclusive” gon… Read more

How Fast Should You React in a PR Crisis?

One bright and early morning you wake up to a phone full of text messages and missed calls. What in the world happened? Turns out the actor who voices your company’s spokesanimal, Wonky the Wallaby, got in a lot of trouble last night, and the world is in an uproar.

Bleary-eyed, you struggle to formulate a plan… Read more