A Simple Guide to Asking the Media to Run a Correction

You Can Ask for a Correction

Congratulations! Your company got some media coverage. Maybe you’re featured on a popular industry blog, or maybe you even got your story in print in your local newspaper or in a magazine. But wait a second. What’s that? Did they spell your name wrong? Or wait … did they really get … Read more

Why Radio Interviews Scare the Hell Out of Most People and What You Can Do About It

They say most people have a greater fear of public speaking than they do of death. Think about that for a second. People are more afraid of speaking in front of an audience than they are of dying. That’s pretty wild when you really stop to think about it.

Not surprisingly, a lot of people are scared as hell of get… Read more

Training New Recruits

You can’t work on the same campaign forever. Even if you work at the same company and deal with one company your entire tenure there, at some point you’ll have to hand over the reins. And more than likely that day will come before you retire.

Whenever that day is, you’ll have to train a new recruit. While you may … Read more

Haters Gonna Hate: How to Let It Go

There’s always somebody. No matter how well you think you’re doing, there’s always the one person who comes onto your Facebook page or sends you an email telling you just how much you suck. Everything you’ve done up to this point in your life is wrong and your business will close its doors in a matter of hours…… Read more

4 Ways You’re Subconsciously Throwing Your Clients Under the Bus

Fun fact about me: I had never heard the phrase “throwing someone under the bus” until I was well into my 20s. Somehow that phrase totally escaped me growing up. So naturally I was a little confused – not to mention concerned – when I first encountered it.

In any case, despite my ignorance, it’s a cute if not hor… Read more

How to Maintain Your Credibility During a PR Crisis

When you’re going through a PR crisis, your credibility is on the line. We live in an increasingly jaded society. People have been trained to believe the worst, and more times than not, they’re right to do so. After all, where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire, so if you find yourself embroiled in controv… Read more

Walk a Mile in Your Client’s Shoes

You’ve probably said some variation of this in the past to your client: “I fully understand where you’re coming from!” It can be in the context of coming up with a social media plan or aiding them with a problem they need to fix. But do you really understand their position? I mean fully grasp what all of this mea… Read more

Do You Understand the Real Purpose of Press Releases?

We spend a lot of time on this blog discussing tips for writing better press releases and interacting with reporters more effectively, but I think it’s important that we take a step back and remind ourselves what the true purpose of the press release is. Thanks to online press release distribution website… Read more

10 Easy Ways to Reward Your Employees

rewardsWhen your employees are happy and feel appreciated, they’re likely to be more productive. When they’re more productive, your company is more profitable. It’s pretty simple really. If you want your company to be successful, it’s important that you make sure your employees ar… Read more

Public Relations Basics: Mastering the Media Interview

Your press release did its job. A reporter calls and wants to talk about your business. Now what? You need to build a relationship with the reporter, and the primary way you’re going to do so is through  a media interview.… Read more