What to Do with a Failed Press Release

failure_success_signWell, you gave it your best shot. You wrote a fantastic press release, making sure to write in the inverted pyramid format and get in some great quotes and other relevant stuff. You literally couldn’t have done a better job… but it still failed miserably.

Hey, it happens! Getting a press release out “in the w… Read more

Press Release Framework Tips

The Press Release Framework

businessman_press_releaseA well-structured press release is crucial for communicating important news about your company, product, or event to the media and the public. The press release framework provides a systematic approach to organizing information in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. H… Read more

3 Ways You Can Improve Your Press Release Closing Sentences

Безымянный-2Stories are only as good as their endings. If you have an amazing story but goof up the very last part it leaves a bad taste in readers’ mouths. Even though they enjoyed the story up until that point, it will be the main thing they remember, guaranteed.

This goes for every single thing you write, be it a creative … Read more

5 Press Release Writing Mistakes that Will Out you as a Rookie

Don’t Make These Press Release Mistakes

When you’re first starting out writing press releases, it’s difficult to not slip up and make a few mistakes. Unfortunately, many of these mistakes come from simply not having experience in the field. Most journalists have come to notice these, so they will automa… Read more

Do Journalists Make Good PR People?

How easy is it to jump from journalism to public relations? Some argue that it’s simple, while others say that it’s nearly impossible. Journalists do face some unique challenges when they want to make the leap to PR. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.


Of course one of the major pros for journalists ma… Read more

Press Release Tips: Hook Editors with Strong Openings

If you want your press release to get an editor’s attention, you need to get to the point as quickly as possible. Dozens of press releases stream into a newsroom every day. Most of them end up in the trash because an editor simply didn’t have time to read through the whole release to grasp the writ… Read more