5 Google+ Hangout Ideas for Small Business

Ever had a situation with a customer that really wasn’t resolved via email? Perhaps you needed to be able to chat with them face to face in order to figure out the best way to resolve their situation? This situation pops up for many small business owners and employees, most often when there isn’t time to drive … Read more

Facebook Instant Articles: Get Started Sharing Your Content

Last year, Facebook introduced Instant Articles to get their toe in the publishing game. They also wanted to offer an option for faster downloads and better displays of content, which meant having the content open directly in Facebook’s app, instead an outside website. It started as a beta test with a few … Read more

6 Free Online Tools for Small Business

toolsStarting a business is hard and keeping it in the black is even harder. It seems everyone wants a nice chunk of change between bills, rent, taxes, and salaries. With all that money going out the door, finding a free service to handle an aspect of your business is awesome news.

Thankfully, free online service… Read more

7 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Small Business Owners

As the owner of a small business, you are probably already aware that social media can be a great asset and a huge liability. We have heard countless times that in order to move business forward, engage customers, and drive sales we must be using social media. After you move to incorporate social media into y… Read more

6 Steps for Becoming a Social Media Influencer

You have been to school and you have attended countless seminars and training courses. You are also up to date on the latest developments and research in your field. You know that you have the answers, but what you don’t know is how to let everyone else online know about you. You want to become an influencer on… Read more

7 Reasons Why a Press Release Distribution Service Is Important

media distribution

Imagine you’re a successful, seven-figure business owner. You spend your days working on your business and managing your team of employees.

It sounds like a dream life, but it takes work to get there. From marketing and sales to press release distribution, you need to build your business first.

Ke… Read more

17 Experts Respond to Your Email Marketing 9-1-1

According to the Direct Marketing Association, each penny you invest in email marketing will eventually yield an ROI of 4300%, and Gigaom Research has found that marketers consistently rank email as the single most effective medium for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention.

Despite so m… Read more

How to Get Your News Into the Huffington Post

Newspaper Press Run EndI remember the first time I saw one of my colleagues’ bylines on the Huffington Post. My first thought was “Wow, she’s made the big time!” And that was quickly followed by, “If she can do, then so can I.”

And it’s true. You can see your byline up on the Huffington Post. All it takes is to create compelling, origin… Read more

Email Etiquette for PR People

I recently spent two hours purging my email inbox of old emails. The move was forced by my purchase of a new computer and a wish to cleanse my old computer of useless files. During the purge, which was the first such undertaking in over two years, I came across hundreds of press releases and emails from PR peopl… Read more

Outside the Link: Google’s Crowned PR as the New SEO

Remember years ago when you would search for something and come across a website riddled with nonsense words everywhere? Those Wild West days of SEO are thought of with a quiet laugh and a roll of the eyes. Those websites were never pretty and often full of junk and even viruses, but they always seemed to pop u… Read more