How to Monitor the Web for Brand Mentions

Online reputation management is essential. Almost everyone is involved in social media these days. Your customers are all over Facebook, Twitter, blogs, review websites, message boards…you name it. And in some cases, they might be talking about your company.

It’s vital that you take a proactive appro… Read more

How to Get Noticed Within Your Industry in 30 Days or Less

Source: noticed. When you boil the public relations field down to its core, “getting noticed” is what’s left in the pot. When you perform even the most basic PR tasks for your company, you do so in the hopes that someone will stand up and say, “I see you!”.

When you’re running a business, this recognition of yo… Read more

Don’t Post Anything That Would Make Your Mom Cry

Many words have been spoken (and typed) about what kind of content you want out on the Internet to represent your company. One of the most steadfast rules is that you never want to insult your audience. Making them feel uncomfortable is easily one of the worst things you can do, as it associates your business … Read more

Why Should Anyone Follow You?

It seems like everywhere I look, I’m being bombarded with Facebook and Twitter icons from companies who are trying to gain fans and followers. They slap these social media badges on their websites, blogs, business cards, print ads, and even TV commercials, but one thing I’ve noticed is none of these compa… Read more

5 Steps to Take After Your Press Release Has Been Sent

So you finally emailed that press release out after a week of solid work. Time to relax! Right?

Not so! There a number of things you could be doing to make sure your press release hits the ground running and doesn’t disappear into the ether. Let’s take a look at five of them.

1. Cultivate the Reporter

You have be… Read more

7 Ways Facebook Could Cost You Your Job

You ensure that your resume looks up-to-date. The shoes are shined and the shirt is starched. You have this job interview in the bag before you even so much as shake hands with the hiring manager. So why are you jeopardizing your new job before you even get it?

There are seven ways that Facebook could cost you y… Read more

The 5 Little Things You Should Do on Social Media Every Day

When your social media campaign is under way, you may wonder what daily tasks you can do to keep your numbers rising and traffic flowing. Here are five simple little things you should do every day to maintain a healthy campaign that will get noticed for months and years to come.

1. A Little Chit-Chat

Sometime… Read more

Why You Have a Facebook Page but No Friends

You know social media is the new black. And that if you don’t jump on the social media bandwagon then you might as well start marketing your business or personal brand via telegraph. But you take all the bloggers’ advice and build a Facebook page, only to see it languish in obscurity.  Your only friends … Read more

Faced on Facebook: Unintended Consequences of Social Media

My friend, whom I love dearly, believes she is the most unphotogenic person in the world. I beg to differ and when I tell her so, I offer up my own photographic evidence. It matters not; she scurries away when a camera is in sight and went so far as to vet her best friend’s wedding photos to ensure that only … Read more