Press Release Submission Rules You’re Forgetting

Don't Forget Reminder Words on Yellow Sticky NotesBefore you send that email you were about to send, how sure are you that you’ve been following all the press release submission rules? If you cocked your head to the side wondering what rules I’m talking about then it’s definitely time to hold up a second.

There are several guidelines to keep in mind before yo… Read more

5 Ways to Interact with Reporters on Facebook

TabletFacebook is crawling with reporters, editors, bloggers, and other members of the media. These people often use Facebook as a way to find sources, generate story ideas, connect with the communities involved with stories, share their stories, and so on. In other words, Facebook is an important resource f… Read more

Why Being Adaptable is Crucial to Success in PR

Humans are a funny bunch. Just when you think you have them figured out, they do something completely unexpected. It’s one of the reasons why running a business can be difficult – just when you have a solid plan, your customers throw several monkey wrenches in the gears.

A friend of mine owns a pet grooming bu… Read more

7 Tips for Effective Social Media Monitoring

If you aren’t keeping track of what’s being said about you in the social media space, you’re asking for trouble. These days, everyone is on Facebook or Twitter, or they have a blog, or they participate in some sort of online community. And they’re constantly posting their opinions and talking about their e… Read more

Operation Mockingbird: How Much Can the Government Influence the Media?

In the early years of the Cold War, a secret American project called “Operation Mockingbird” began. This was a program intent on buying the influence of all major media outlets by recruiting and paying off news organizations and journalists. These men and women of the advertising world basically became … Read more

Toughest Challenges PR Pros Face

Every industry comes with its own unique challenges and hurdles, and the public relations field is no different. However, there are certain challenges PR pros face that make this career particularly tough sometimes, especially under certain circumstances.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s as str… Read more

Finding the Best Media Outlet for Your Product’s Launch

I once had a client who was launching a really terrific golf product. We were discussing what the best plan was to get the word out about his item, and he told me he wanted to send out the initial wave to editors of business magazines.

I thought that was strange, so I asked him why. “Businessmen play golf,” he sai… Read more

Haters Gonna Hate: How to Let It Go

There’s always somebody. No matter how well you think you’re doing, there’s always the one person who comes onto your Facebook page or sends you an email telling you just how much you suck. Everything you’ve done up to this point in your life is wrong and your business will close its doors in a matter of hours…… Read more

The Pros and Cons of Giving An Exclusive

Exclusive! The very word can send waves of excitement through the most hard-nosed reporter. Something about getting a scoop nobody else has, knowing something nobody else knows, possibly before it blows up and you can claim you were there FIRST – what a rush.< But there’s an unforeseen dark side to giving out an exclusive news story, one you may not have accounted for. While it can excite and titillate the masses, you may end up isolating yourself a little too much. G+

For an example of something “exclusive” gon… Read more

How to Foster an Online Community

Social media isn’t just about gathering as many customers as you can, like little prizes. It’s about establishing and maintaining a community. It’s one thing for a zillion people to click “Like” on your company’s page, but if they aren’t buying your products, who cares?

Isn’t it better to have a smaller co… Read more