How to Get Better Media Coverage for Your Release

Anyone familiar with marketing their business will recognize that frustrating moment when they wish someone would pay attention to their press release. Sometimes the lack of attention is attributed to something as simple as not having an attention grabbing headline or focusing on the wrong media outl… Read more

5 Tips for Effective Email Newsletters

Ah, the dreaded newsletter. Either they never get opened or worse, they head directly to the spam folder. It seems every nearly every company, brand, or organization offers some type of email newsletter, whether or not it gets read is another story. So what can you do to set your newsletter apart from the th… Read more

Yes, It IS Possible to Sell a Service on Instagram

old vintage camera closeup on wooden backgroundPerhaps you have never considered Instagram for your business. If you are an accountant or an attorney, maybe you didn’t think your line of work was creative enough. Now it might take a little more work, but you can definitely sell your skills and services on Instagram.

Instagram, like Pinterest, Faceboo… Read more

What’s the Best Time to Publish a Press Release?

Business woman with question mark on a blackboard It’s Friday afternoon around 3pm and you have finally finished the press release that you worked on throughout the past week. You have major news regarding your company and spent time crafting the headline, the lead, and the perfect quote. The problem is it’s Friday afternoon and you know if journalists a… Read more

6 Steps for Becoming a Social Media Influencer

You have been to school and you have attended countless seminars and training courses. You are also up to date on the latest developments and research in your field. You know that you have the answers, but what you don’t know is how to let everyone else online know about you. You want to become an influencer on… Read more

17 Experts Respond to Your Email Marketing 9-1-1

According to the Direct Marketing Association, each penny you invest in email marketing will eventually yield an ROI of 4300%, and Gigaom Research has found that marketers consistently rank email as the single most effective medium for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention.

Despite so m… Read more

How to Get Your News in an Industry Trade Magazine

Many magazines close-upWriting and getting your material published by a trade magazine is a little different than writing for a consumer magazine or a newspaper. However, the same basic rules apply. Industry magazine writers and editors are also extremely busy and receive many pitches every day. In order to stand out from the c… Read more

How to Get Your News Into the Huffington Post

Newspaper Press Run EndI remember the first time I saw one of my colleagues’ bylines on the Huffington Post. My first thought was “Wow, she’s made the big time!” And that was quickly followed by, “If she can do, then so can I.”

And it’s true. You can see your byline up on the Huffington Post. All it takes is to create compelling, origin… Read more

Email Marketing Tips to Learn From the Pros

email_stampNext to press releases, email marketing is one of the toughest things to get exactly right in PR. In fact, it’s safe to say many businesses out there have experienced painful growing pains while they figured it out. Many still struggle with it.

Why? Because it’s very easy to get it wrong and make your custome… Read more

A Bad Press Release Doesn’t Get Better By Sending It Over And Over Again

What Annoys Reporters Most About Press Releases

Very good and not goodWhen asked the question, “What annoys you about press releases?” Yahoo! Finance’s Rick Newman said, “The ones sent to me 2, 3 4 times, as if I’ll be more likely to respond; sending irrelevant material multiple times doesn’t make it any more relevant.”

Look, … Read more