Public Relations vs. Marketing: Which is More Important?

It’s something businesses struggle with constantly: do they focus on marketing or public relations? Is it more important to get the word out about the company, or is it better to try and talk to people directly?

In a perfect world, you’d be able to spend the same amount of energy on both marketing and public r… Read more

Does Your Press Release Pass the “Who Cares?” Test?

If you’ve followed this blog for any period of time, you know I’m a firm believer in the “leaky faucet” approach to press release distribution. This approach involves sending high quality, newsworthy press releases out on a regular basis with the hope that you’ll eventually find your press release in the … Read more

How to Pitch to Talk Show Producers

on_the_airWe all know that landing a five minute segment on the Today Show or any of the top-rated talk shows can be a life changing experience. But how do you go about getting on a talk show in the first place?

What is a Pitch to a Talk Show Producer?

A pitch to a talk show producer is a proposal that presents an idea for a segm… Read more

Using Contests to Promote Your Business

winnerAccording to some estimates, the average person is flooded with up to 10,000 promotional messages each day. From advertisements to product placement and more, we live in an increasingly noisy marketing environment. For your business, this means finding new, engaging ways to cut through the clutter, s… Read more

Who is Your Press Release Audience? Target Your News Release

Who Is The Primary Audience For A Press Release?

Searching for a Niche Group - Magnifying GlassThe primary audience for a press release is the journalists (the reporters, editors, bloggers, and influencers,) to whom it will be sent. You can reach other audiences (customers, consumers, investors, and politicians,) by publishing it on your websiteRead more

7 Offline Marketing Ideas to Build Buzz for Your Business

very sweet render of a honey bee in yellow and black with ClippiIt seems like a week doesn’t go by without a study being released or an article being written about how more and more businesses are focusing their promotional efforts on online marketing. Simply put, offline marketing is getting left in the dust, with many people viewing it as antiquated and ineff… Read more

7 Tactics for Getting More Podcast Listeners

2009 was a big year for podcasting. Advertising on podcasts increased significantly over 2008 (by over 250% according to one source), and the audience for podcasting grew by about 22%. Millions of people now listen to podcasts every day. In short, podcasting went mainstream last year. … Read more

Everything You Need to Know to Nail Your Media Interview

Reporter InterviewMedia interviews are double-edged swords. On one hand, if you perform well during your interview, you can enjoy the benefits of increased exposure, enhanced credibility, and more future interviews. On the other hand, a poor performance during a media interview can diminish your credibility and damag… Read more