Who is Your Press Release Audience? Target Your News Release

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Who Is The Primary Audience For A Press Release?

Searching for a Niche Group - Magnifying GlassThe primary audience for a press release is the journalists (the reporters, editors, bloggers, and influencers,) to whom it will be sent. You can reach other audiences (customers, consumers, investors, and politicians,) by publishing it on your website.

Press Release Targeting

Before you start typing up your next press release, you need to figure out who its target audience is. Who do you want to read this press release, and what do you want them to do once they’ve read it? Where are you going to publish it so it gets found by the audience you’re targeting?

Possible target audiences for a press release include:

  • Traditional Media Targets
    The original press release audience. One thing I don’t like about this new era of press release distribution is that too many companies write off the power of traditional media. Instead of targeting newspapers, TV, and radio, they target blogs, podcast, and searchers. There’s nothing wrong with those audiences, but you can’t overlook the buzz that can be created if your story gets picked up by a major media outlet.

    The Purpose of a Press Release For Traditional Media

    Contrary to popular opinion, for traditional media, the purpose of a press release is not for it to be printed as is. We’ll take that when it happens, of course, but any time you have a press release printed in a newspaper or magazine, you failed to achieve its full potential.

    The real purpose of a press release is to get the reporter to run a featured story about your organization, cause, or event. 

    The press release is designed to communicate the information the journalist needs to decide whether writing a feature piece would be a good fit for their audience and to give them enough information to get it started.

    One key to successfully targeting traditional media is to reach a wider group of highly-targeted journalists than most companies have on their target media list. That’s one reason it’s important to work with a professional press release distribution company like eReleases, which specializes in getting your press release into the hands of journalists who want to publish the type of information you are sending them. 

  • New Media Targets
    Reaching out to bloggers, podcasters, and other online influencers is a cost-effective way to increase brand awareness and get more sales. To be successful when targeting new media you have to figure out which outlets cover your topic of interest, get to know the bloggers and their audience, and have a clear, strong story that catches their attention. Like other types of press release distribution and outreach, you have to be persistent and consistent. Distribute high quality press releases on a regular basis to build familiarity and trust.

    The Purpose of a Press Release For New Media

    Given the widely varied nature of new media, the purpose of a press release varies depending on who is receiving it. Some new media outlets simply pick up press releases and print them word for word. Others use them as the foundation for their own reporting or other communications.

  • Targeting Consumers, Investors, Affiliates, and the Search Engines

    Consumers, investors, affiliates, etc. can best be targeted by publishing your press releases on your website. You may want to consider writing a separate version of the press releases published on your website to more directly fill the needs of these important audiences.

    Targeting Consumers
    Online press releases can be used to target your customers directly. You can create your own online news room with the latest news that appeals to your customers. To get these press releases maximum exposure to buyers, you need to use the same keywords they’re using when searching online. Write press releases that focus on your buyers’ problems and common pain points. Note: This isn’t an excuse to turn your press release into an advertisement. It still needs to be newsworthy.

    Targeting Investors –
    Press releases can be used as a tool to attract new investors and to inform current investors of the success and growth of your company. Keeping investors happy is always important, so make sure you highlight the topics your investors care about most.
    You may want to set up a separate section of your website just for investors, rewriting the press releases you publish there to cover the topics they are interested in, answer their questions, and give them the financial information they need.

    Targeting Affiliates –
    Do affiliates help sell your products? Whenever there are changes to your products or you release new products, you can write press releases aimed at these affiliates to keep them informed and excited about selling your products.

    Targeting the Search Engines – The search release has risen to prominence as a growing number of companies are distributing press releases solely for the sake of improving search rankings. Don’t get me wrong, SEO plays an important part in today’s press releases. However, my biggest problem with the search release is that too many companies are cranking out low-quality, uninteresting releases and publishing them on low authority “free” press release websites where they just sit there and do nothing. SEO is important, but never sacrifice quality for the sake of a few links.

Do you still write releases just for the media? Or do you buy into the idea of the search release and news releases targeted directly at customers?

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This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab your free copy of the Big Press Release Book – Press Releases for Every Occasion and Industry here: https://www.ereleases.com/free-offer/big-press-release-samples-book/

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